Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thoughts Of Home - Heirlooms

I'm sharing a post from last year, about buying heirlooms.

I've mentioned before about not having very many family heirlooms.

We are watching older seasons of Downton Abbey and in one episode in Season 2, Lady Mary and Sir Richard Carlisle are looking at an estate near Downton, and she asks him, "How will we furnish it?"  Sir Richard says, "We'll buy whatever we want."  Lady Mary says to him, "Your lot buys furniture, our lot inherit it."

Wouldn't it be wonderful to inherit beautiful furniture, silver, dishes and the like?

Since most of us never will, I decided to buy some silver things that I like, and use for teas, that I can leave to my children.  It will be not an expensive inheritance but one of beauty and of good memories of using these lovely things.

Sarah got a gift certificate, to one of our favorite vintage stores, for Christmas.  We went shopping there last week, and I pointed out a beautiful tea/coffee pot in silver plate.  I told her that she could start collecting beautiful heirloom items as well.

 She loved it and when I offered to cover the extra above her gift certificate, she snapped it up.  She put it in the living room on the bookcase where we can all enjoy looking at it.

 It needs a bit of cleaning, but aren't the details lovely?

I'm happy she chose this over something consumable.  (she's a huge writer and artist and goes through notebooks and sketch pads like water)

This is a usable heirloom that she can pass down in her own family one day.

The line from John Keats is true: A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

 Joining with the lovely ladies for Thoughts of Home Thursday.


Elizabeth said...

Love it! I have one very similar, I do not use it but love looking at it!

Stacey said...

Good morning Deanna. Thank you so much for linking this with Thoughts of Home on Thursday. :)

I have a silver tea pot like this too that was passed down to me from my aunt. It means the world to me to have these pieces from her and they are fun to incorporate in our home.

Eilis said...

The lovely coffee pot looks like it has found a wonderful new home where it is appreciated! I am already missing Downton Abbey...

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

How lovely! I love this idea. I have a few special things my grandmother has gave me. They are simply beautiful and I will pass to my daughter.

Debby Ray said...

What a treasure...the silver teapot is beautiful. I have very few family heirlooms but those I do, have such special meaning and memories attached...and I do cherish them. But I'm OK to find something that I really like that has belonged to someone's kind of like you are just giving it a new home or adopting it...or maybe even rescuing it! I'm so glad Mary got away from that nasty Sir Richard!

podso said...

I like how you are encouraging your daughter to start her offspring's heirlooms. They were all new at one time. Pretty coffeepot!

Simply LKJ said...

What a lovely tea pot. And, something she will treasure for years to come.

Lisa said...

Your daughter's tea pot is so pretty! She is beginning her own legacy. I love that!

Vee said...

I thought you were going in a different direction...the tour of Downton Abbey that the ladies held and they knew nothing of their home and heirlooms. I was shocked!

Sarah did choose wisely and that piece does have lovely lines.

Laura said...

I have never met a silver teapot I could resist,
That is the best thing about thrifting-
creating our own heirlooms.

Thank you for joining TOHOT.

Decor To Adore said...

What a gorgeous teapot. I adore the floral details.
It is such a joy to have you join the gathering at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. You really help to elevate it to something very special.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

You certainly had me at silver and teapot!
Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us on Thoughts of Home on Thursday.

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