Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday Chat

How was your weekend?  I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's.  We did.  After church we went over to our Amish friends' house for a surprise party for Katie (the mom).  They had a houseful of people and she was very surprised.  That was fun.  Then we came home and relaxed for the afternoon with our friend Denny.  He is on the road most of the time, so we don't see much of him anymore, though he calls during the week and we stay in touch that way.  Kayleigh was working, so Nate and Kamryn came down for the afternoon and to have our steak house dinner with us, and Emma and Vinnie came over, too.  The meal was delicious, and we enjoyed our time together.
 Friday, I was having a quiet day at home.  Mostly resting.  In the afternoon, I got a call from Tim.  He'd locked his key in the van when he stopped for a coffee after his inspection.  He was 30 minutes away, and Rachel had to be at work in an hour!  At the same time, I got a text from Lindsay who was looking for a ride home from her inlaws who live 3 minutes from our house. 

This is my crazy life sometimes!  So here's what we did.  While Rachel was getting ready for work, I drove over and picked up Lindsay, came back and got Rachel, took her to work, then headed down to Tim.  Of course from Rachel's work, he was nearly an hour away, but we had no time constraints, he was done with work for the day, and Lindsay was in no hurry to be anywhere.  We met up with Tim and he took us to an antique store he'd seen.  We love browsing through these kinds of places.  I found the sweet little tea cup below for two dollars.  Tim said, "Happy Valentine's!"  

I know you're all riveted by this chat today.  Did I mention to you that our hens are now happily laying eggs?  They've all grown up and are enjoying the bigger coop.  We get anywhere from 7 to 10 eggs a day.  Our married kids are enjoying free healthy Omega-3 eggs every week, too!

Are you Downton Abbey watchers?  How are you enjoying it?  We watched the season online when it was airing in Britain last autumn.  I've been so good not talking about it and spoiling it for you.  Every week now I read the Downton Dish and the episode recaps so I can keep up with where you are in the season.

We are still in the deep freeze here.  I'm thankful that I don't have to go out unless Tim needs to be rescued or something!  It is supposed to warm up tomorrow and we are glad about that.
Well, I guess that's all for now.  Have a lovely Monday everyone.  


Sherry said...

busy busy terribly busy * more than a bumblebee more than an ant!!

♥ love ♥ that teacup and saucer. sweet.

Theresa said...

We had a great BUT BUSY weekend:) YUM to some fresh eggs! I scrambled two eggs for breakfast, not fresh ones but yummy! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

podso said...

I feel like you had a similar experience you wrote about where you had a real time crunch and were taxi-ing family members around. I'm sure that happens often with a busy family like yours. I'm dying to know if Tom and Mary get together. It's a really good season this year, too bad it's the last.

Sue said...

So enjoyed reading about your Valentine's Day! Ours was quiet and restful!
Smiling as I read of the car key incident, been there, done that! what a helpless feeling!
What a wonderful gift of reciprocation, I love visiting antique stores, your Valentine's Day gift is perfect! Don't you just love it when you find that perfect gift?
We are in a deep freeze too, with promises of better weather!
Enjoy your day!
Hugs from me to you,

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I am a huge Downton Abbey Fan!!! Sounds like you had a great weekend.

Terra said...

My husband and I are Downton Abbey fans too. I like your sweet blue and white teacup that is a valentine's gift from your hubby.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...