Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Book Review: A Name Unknown

Roseanna White is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.  She writes wonderful female characters.

In A Name Unknown, Rosemary Gresham, left to the streets in London after the death of her parents, has become a thief.  Not just a pickpocket but a thief who can blend into 'society' and still art or jewelry.

Her skill has not gone unnoticed and she is asked to find out if a wealthy man, who has the ear of the King and his son, is loyal to Great Britain or Germany, as WWI looms on the horizon.

I enjoy historical fiction and this book did not disappoint.  We learn to care about Rosemary, her 'siblings', and the man she is secretly spying on, Peter Holstein.

I highly recommend this book, which is the first of a new series "Shadows Over England."

I was was given a book in return for my opinion.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.  Our weather is delightful and we have friends coming tomorrow to stay for a week!  


Rhonda said...

Your book review has made me want to read this book! I love a good series and I enjoy historical romance. When I'm done rereading the Mitford Series I think I'll start on this. Thank you!

We are having wonderful weather here too and I'm looking forward to a family picnic on Sunday. Enjoy your company this next week!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Sounds like a book I would like.

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