Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Did You See It?

We did!  It was fun.  We had friends over (they homeschool, too) and we used Tim's fancy welding helmet!  It worked perfectly.

I didn't take any photos here, but Lindsay sent me this one from Tennessee.

This is how it looked during totality.  She took her Nikon with her too, so once she gets them edited, I'll see if she'll let me share a few with you.

My niece sent me this cute meme -

I started the day by mowing our property.  It was about 10:30 when I started and the day was already very warm.

This is how I get my Vitamin D!

I'd love to hear your stories about the eclipse.  I read that this is the first time since the founding of the USA that we've had a total eclipse visible from one side of the country to the other.


Vee said...

I love that graphic! So cute.

Theresa said...

It didn't get totally dark here but the event was awesome! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Rhonda said...

It was overcast and raining here so we didn't get to experience it. But no complaining - we so needed the rain. I've enjoyed seeing everybody's pictures though!

GrammaGrits said...

Better take Vitamin D supplements. Sadly, after 50 we don't assimilate Vitamin D from sunshine so much:(

Home Keeping

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