Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 7, 2017

This and That, To Start The Week

Cupcakes and Candles from Kyle's family birthday party last night.

The weather was absolutely beautiful this weekend, after a big thunderstorm Friday night. It was sunny and warm, not hot, and low humidity!  This morning it is raining, and cool.  Cool is not a word we usually use in August.

My neighbor's tree is changing color already, and I've seen a few others around do that.  We do have trees that change well before our normal time which is October, but early August seems very early to me.

I plan to begin our school year this week.  We like to get started a few weeks early and give ourselves time during the school year for breaks and holidays.  We've been finished since May 11th, so we've had a nice break.

Here's an article I wrote on my homeschool blog.  I've not been promoting it yet, as there are somethings I'm trying to decide about, but I think this is good not just for parents of young kids, but for grandparents and aunties and uncles as well.  Be Intentional

I'm off now with Sarah, who has a dental appointment this morning.

Have a great day, friends!


Linda said...

I think it's a wonderful thing to homeschool! Remember the movie 'You've Got Mail?' I like the phrase - a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils! I read the article on being intentional - wise words indeed!
Wishing you a lovely was 100 degrees here yesterday and will only be 85 today!

Cheryl said...

We often stretch birthdays over several days, simply because that's how it works best with a larger family. Why not spread out the joy?! One more "Happy Birthday" to Kyle from our house!

Happy first week of school! We are trying to fit the whole summer into the month of August, but I am thinking ahead to the new school year. I ♥ a fresh, new school year!

Buttercup said...

We've got the rain, too. Getting home chores done and then out for a walk this afternoon. I'm also enjoying socializing with my blog buddies. Wishes for a great week.

Debby Ray said...

It is raining here today but certainly wish cool temp came with such luck! Hot and MUGGY! :(

Sandi said...

"My neighbor's tree is changing color already"

Is it just me or does time move faster than it used to?

I did not see a link to the article on your homeschool blog.

Home Keeping

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