Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Mid-August Evening

 I had a busy day yesterday, so I waited until evening to get to the mowing.  I noticed that the walnut tree was dropping leaves and changing to its autumn yellow color.

 The light always draws my attention at this time of year.  There is a more golden tone, as we head into autumn, than the bright shining of summer.

20 minutes later, I ran out of gas for the mower when I was almost done.  So I took this photo (from a different spot) and enjoyed listening to the birds.

The horses love to come around when I mow near the pasture, because they know that I'll shoot some fresh grass in to them.  Cheyenne was the only one who came because Sandy was helping Lindsay teach a young boy how to ride and care for horses.

We are midway through August friends.  Autumn's on its way.  Are you noticing signs of  it where you live?


Mrs.T said...

Oh, I don't want to think about it! I AM noticing signs of autumn ... the changing light, as you mentioned, plus certain plants like sumac taking on a different look, slightly cooler evenings and mornings, dark coming earlier and morning light later ... but I guess I'm in denial. I love fall, don't misunderstand; it's my favorite season of all. But I feel as if we've not really had a summer -- and, according to the calendar, there's still over a month of summer left. So I'm trying not to rush it. And, of course, I know what will come after fall ...

Cheryl said...

At The Farmhouse, we had a couple of trees that dropped leaves early (which I loved). None here at Pineapple House, but I have noticed that the evening light has changed recently.

I don't have to tell you how much I love autumn!!

Rhonda said...

yes, the light is changing. We've had cooler weather and some of the leaves are turning. I am ready - fall is my favorite time of the year. If only it lasted longer!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

My maple tree started turning a couple of weeks ago! So crazy... definitely the dates on the calendar don't match the seasons, I've said that many times, lol! And the seasons are not equal either! I'm glad you got to enjoy the quiet and the music of the birds. Indeed, fall is on its way, and summer is past... its harvesttime around here :)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Winter is often mild here, but the last several years have been long and cold! I do adore Autumn though, so I enjoy it to the fullest!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I know! I think Autumn is often the shortest season. It either stays very hot like summer well into autumn, or it gets cold like winter early. Very rarely do we get a lovely, long autumn. Maybe this year!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Here too. The farmers aren't harvesting yet, but I think they will do it earlier than usual. Such an interesting year, weather wise, so far!

A Joyful Cottage said...

The air is different. That's what I've noticed. The daytime temperature may reach the high 80's, but it's not that summery kind of warm. There's a coolness in the breeze. Probably doesn't make sense, but the atmosphere has changed. Plus, the bird have gone to the hills now so there's not much birdsong.

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