Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Seasonal Changes

I changed out my mid summer decor on the deck, as my buntings and navy blue table cloth looked out of place.  It seems strange since it is technically still summer for several more weeks.

My beautiful Red Sunset Maples are October changing trees.  One section has begun to change already.

The walnut trees are September changing trees, so its not so unusual for them to be turning now.
I feel as if we are about two - three weeks early this year with seasonal changes.  What's it like where you are?

I've begun to bring some fall things out - 
Nothing bright orange yet, though.  I found these little glass pumpkins at Christmas Tree Shops for $1.47 each.  Can you believe it?  

I know many people choose to begin autumn on September 1st.  Our weather here in Pennsylvania is feeling very autumn like.  Today its raining lightly and we will have a high of 65 degrees.  Amazing.  We'll have a few days coming up of 80 degree weather, but the rest will be mid to low 70's.

All the schools here are back to classes, we've been back in our homeschool for three weeks.  Last night we had our co-op parents meeting.  We start September 14th.

I'm a happy girl.


Rebecca said...

Very autumnal here, too!
Especially nights...
Those are very sweet glass pumpkins, my friend!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I am waiting still to bring things out because Mississippi can be hot FOREVER. It truly never feels like fall. I will probably bring my stuff out September 1st or after Labor Day. Your deck is so pretty. Does your table cloth do okay in the rain? Or do you have a covering?

podso said...

That looks like a perfect fall tablecloth for your deck--still red but with the leaves! It's feeling more like fall here too--I even wore a sweater today. Love it! But we know more heat is on the way. Still the calendar changing says fall is on the way!

Cheryl said...

It has been cooler than usual the past few days, and rainy today. I am itching to bring out a little fall, but there is one more summer event here so I'm holding off.

Amazing how even your later changing trees are changing already! I hope that doesn't mean that they all drop sooner too. Maybe it will just be a slow, lingering fall. That would suit me just fine!

Theresa said...

Gorgeous! I am ready for cooler weather and color changes in my decor:) Have a blessed day dear friend! HUGS

Linda said...

I would love your weather! I'm finishing up my cleaning and decorating today and then preparing food for a ladies luncheon I'm hosting on Friday. September first is my own personal holiday but this is the first time I've ever had a party to celebrate it!

Lorrie said...

It's not feeling like autumn here yet, and I haven't done anything seasonal to the house. In a week or two, I will probably change out a few things as the intense busyness of school starting will have eased off. I really like those glass pumpkins!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...