Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Don't Lose Sight Of Eternity

Thank you all for your prayers.  I know the family appreciates it very much.  With everything going on, I am reminded of the Psalm 90:12 - "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

I've known this verse for years.  It reminds me to focus on eternal things.  I don't know about you, but I find it easy to get distracted by life.  I put my eyes on what's in front of me.  

I have late night talks with teenagers, share burdens with friends, make meals, go to meetings, oversee our homeschool, make plans for hospitality in our parents room at co-op, plan for our fall fest, drive the kids to gatherings with friends, grocery shop, help my husband with paperwork for the business.

I know you have life in front of you, too.  But I want to remind myself and encourage you to keep eternity in focus and to remember to pray for a hurting world, to pray for the needs of friends and family.  To be Jesus' hands and feet here on earth.  To share truth, to lift up and encourage others.

I'm writing this late tonight, its just after midnight and I am waiting for a load of laundry to finish, so that Tim can have clean work shirts in the morning.  Our friend Denny took Tim and I to dinner, and when we returned home, the kids had brought all their friends from frisbee home for a campfire. (we knew this was happening)  

Things of eternal value were placed before laundry, so I'm still up.  Kyle was up until a few minutes ago, keeping me company and keeping an eye on the water filling the totes for Tim to take tomorrow to an inspection.  He's gone to bed now, but how I appreciate his loving heart.  Having time to chat with him while we wait for things to get done.  Eternal value, and worth the late night.

 Soft, late night glow

I'm tired, but fine.

 Kyle looking at the co-op yearbook waiting for the timer to go off.

Legos are proof of life with a boy.

Thank you friends, for reading here and listening to my heart tonight.  I'm carrying sadness for pain of the world, but I know the One who holds it all and sees it all with eternal perspective.  I'm learning, in ever deeper ways, to trust it all to Him.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I feel your heart, Deanna, and your post resonates with mine. I hope you are having a well-earned good sleep now. Blessings for the day ahead and much grace.

Brenda xox

Rebecca said...

♥ Yes....a constant challenge to keep perspective and priorities aligned with eternity! (Do you know that old chorus "With Eternity Values in View"?) Last line: "May I do each days work for Jesus with eternity values in view". said...

Thank you for the reminder...use each moment to encourage someone. So nice of your son to stay up and wait with you. Lovely soft night light.

Sherry said...

good morning, deanna. . :)
thankful to 'read your heart' and put my own
activities in order - placing the eternally important
at the forefront. thank you for this reminder ♥

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

This was such a rich post! Love it!

Charm and Grace said...

What a beautiful post! So filled with peace and purpose. God bless you!

Kim James said...

Thank You so much for your encouraging words.

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