Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 11, 2017

Fun At The Scottish Festival And Remembering 9/11

As I mentioned on Saturday morning, we've been attending this festival for three years.  This festival has been going on for four years, but the first year, we were out of town.

We love coming to this festival every year.  Not only do we get to celebrate our Scottish heritage, but we get to help support the oldest Covenanter Prebyterian Church in North America.

My family lineage has a Scots Covenanter martyr, so we feel a connection to this historical place.

The festival (here's a link about it) has grown every year, and this year was no exception.  The thing I loved best this year was the new format for the festival.  Instead of off site parking and being bused over to the event, the parking was all onsite.  This made it easy to bring chairs to watch the Highland Games.  Also with every part of the festival closer together it made it easy to go from one event to the other, and not miss anything!

This was my favorite year so far!  A fun thing for us was that our friends were competing in the Games!  Here is a link to my friends blog with her great photos of the event!

Now for a few of my photos and some video -

Nate, Don, Will Westbrook and my dad Bob McElrath

 This darling family won everyone's hearts with their wee kilts!

All the competitors wore kilts!

This is to answer the question of what do men wear under their kilts.  

The weather was lovely and I was able to have my scarf on a good part of the day!  McDonald tartan as our family is a sept clan of McDonald.

Charlie Zahm is a wonderful entertainer and sells cds with him performing celtic music.  I enjoy listening every year.

Caber tossing

This one is harder to see but it's our friend tossing the caber.

 One of the last events was tossing a weight over the bar.  The young guys were tossing a 56 pound weight.  This is our friend Will.

Do you think he made it over the bar?

Watch the video to find out!

Many spectators and visitors to the festival wore kilts as well.

The group running the Games are called Penn's Wall.  There is a historical significance behind the name and its pretty cool.  You can read about it here.

I also want to acknowledge that it is 9/11.  Those of us who lived through that day and the days following will never forget it.  We are also praying for our family and friends in Florida.


Sue said...

OH! my what a great weekend you had, enjoyed the videos, I love bagpipe music, nice to see that he did make it over the bar ! We too are remembering and praying for those who lost their lives on 911 as all of those affected by so many disasters, so much to pray about these days! Thank you for sharing.

Tanya@EverAfterCottage said...

How fun! It looks like you had a great time, and beautiful weather!

Kim said...

What a wonderful way to spend a day! Looks like a lot of fun. And yes, we too are bowing our heads for those lost on 9/11 and praying for those in the hurricanes' paths...

Cheri said...

Looks like such a fun, unique event!

Home Keeping

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