Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 8, 2017

Knitting: A Work In Progress

Last year, I knit myself a few cowls and had enough yarn to make another.  I started it then put it aside.  With our cool weather, I've brought it out again to finish.

My mom was here today, and she mentioned she doesn't have one, so I'll give this one to her.

Here is the one I made myself last winter, with the same yarn.

Do you knit or crochet?

Does the changing season make you want to get your needles out?

Do you have a WIP that you'd be willing to share?


Elizabethd said...

Cowls are so useful, and nice to cuddle into on a cold day. Your is a pretty colour. I think I might make another one for myself this year.

podso said...

I prefer crocheting and never used to do it in the summer, but now I do--maybe because I often use all cotton for my little projects. Being in AC helps too;

Vee said...

Very pretty colors and a lovely gift for your mom. I'm afraid that until things settle down here the only WIP will be something that doesn't require too much brain power. Happy creating!

Theresa said...

Beautiful! I don't knit or crochet but my niece does and makes lots of pretty pieces! Lots of work goes into those pretty pieces! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Mrs.T said...

I love the colors! I can't knit but I do enjoy crocheting. The changing season does make me look forward to crafting. Currently I am working on a flannel baby blanket for a gift. Just finished embroidering the baby's name, then I will sew the 2 sides of the blanket together, turn, wash, and press! Have a second one to do for another baby gift. Such pretty flannel is available these days.

Cheryl said...

I do neither. Sigh. But I admire those who do! There are some beautiful things that come of your busy needles. Gifts of love.

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