Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Scottish Festival

We're off to our local Scottish Festival this morning.

Bagpipes, clan tents, performers, and Penn's Wall Highland Games.  Our good friends are competing this year, so that makes it even more fun!

Some years its been HOT and some years misty like Scotland.  This year its going to be lovely with a high of 69 degrees and sunny!

I'll be back Monday with photos!

Happy Weekend!


Cheri said...

Have fun! Looking forward to hearing and seeing all about it!

Linda said...

oh, what FUN!!!!

Sandi said...

My People!

Well, not really mine...but my husband is a bagpiper, so I married in. :-)

Cheryl said...

Hope it was lots of fun!! It sounds like the weather was perfect!

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