Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I LOVE Happy Mail, and Surprises!

Yesterday was a fun day.  I ran some errands, took Rachel to an appointment (those wisdom teeth must come out!), had lunch with Rachel and my Mom.

Tuesdays are a family day, so my parents were here for dinner, just sloppy joes and leftovers.  Easy.

When Tim arrived home he brought the mail in and there was the new Trim Healthy Mama cookbook I had pre-ordered!  It is chock full of amazing looking recipes for the whole family!  And they have the basics of the plan down to one chapter!  I'm going to make the chocolate chip pancakes this morning!

Happy mail, indeed!

Then Lindsay came by with a surprise for me!  She had texted saying she bought me something that made her think of me, and she hoped I didn't have it yet!

I love when this happens!

Here is what she bought me.

I love them!  Aren't they the cutest?  There are eight of them total (2 of each pattern).  She bought them at Target.

They are 'so me' and they combine two favorite things - plaid and fall pumpkin decor!

Do you love Happy Mail?  By this I mean mail that contains something fun - like a card or gift.  Not bills and junk mail! 


Elizabethd said...

I agree, there is nothing quite like a real letter rather than advertising material. Lovely pumpkins!

Debby Ray said...

Oh I just love those darling plaid pumpkins! Yes, I love happy mail too!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I do love happy mail and packages!!! The pumpkins are too cute.

Sharon D. said...

I love your collection of Grace Livingston Hill books. I have collected them all over the years and have read some of them so many them. Cute pumpkins!

Cheryl said...

Did I just leave a comment? I started to write and then had to swipe a tiny spider that dropped down and landed on my face!! The nerve of him!! (The "down" side of fall: lots of critters.)

So where was I?

Oh yes. I do love happy mail! Especially when you have forgotten that you ordered something! (Do you ever do that?)

What a thoughtful gift from Lindsay! As soon as I saw them, I thought, "Perfect. Plaid and autumn." And then you said exactly that. :)

Anonymous said...

I know there are a lot of reasons why wisdom teeth 'must come out' and I don't want to presume in Rachel's case, but should it be hygiene related, as it was with my own unfortunate wisdom teeth, may I encourage looking into the protocol of Dr. Ellie Phillips? ( I am convinced if I had known her protocol in my teens, early twenties, i would still have my wisdom teeth today.

Kim said...

Those pumpkins are just darling! And yes, happy mail is the best.

Vee said...

Wonderful book collection, too. 🙂

Rhonda said...

I love your pumpkins - they are perfectly plaid! said...

Those are cute and a thoughtful gift! Love the collection of your books!

Lorrie said...

I do love happy mail - much better than bills and such. A new cookbook always inspires me to try different dishes. Your plaid pumpkins are adorable!

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