Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 7, 2017

This And That

Today we had rain all day, and cool temperatures.   This is the forecast for the coming week.

 See those daytime temps and the overnight temps?  We are having Autumn weather here in Pennsylvania, friends.  Its highly unusual for us, but I'll take it!

Because it was cool and rainy, I made chicken tortilla soup for dinner.  I do my own variation of the Pioneer Woman's recipe.  Its delicious.  

I've also started to burn my stash of autumn scented candles, and I put away my cottage style plates and brought out my Friendly Village dishes.  

With the all day rain, that meant Ultimate Frisbee was out this week, so Rachel asked if she and Sarah could invite people over for games tonight.  

This is a fun group of amazing young people.  We are blessed to know them.  These photos represent kids from three other families besides ours.  The Ultimate group is bigger, but not everyone could make it.  We are happy to open our home, and spend time with these friends.  Some are students, some work full time, one of them runs the family business.  They are smart, talented, musical, and hard working.  

I've spoken to family and friends, today, who live in Florida and who are preparing for Irma.  None of them will be in a direct hit, and have been through hurricanes before.  We are praying for them, for their preparations and for safety.  We've told them that if they need to leave before or after they are welcome here.

This is the most likely track for Irma.  She is strong with powerful winds, and rain.  My in laws are in Central Florida and my sister in law said that some gas stations are already out of gas!  People are taking it seriously.

On the other side of our beautiful country, wildfires are burning everywhere.  Washington, Oregon, Montana, California, Idaho.

Our good friends' son is a firefighter.  He's 19 years old.  He's been fighting fires in Washington since June, with very little time off.  He's exhausted.  Our fellow American's need rain desperately in the West.  I'm praying for a miracle for them.  

Lots of things to pray about, and people to pray for!

I'm praying for Brenda, also, who is fighting an eye infection.  Let me know if you'd like me to pray for something you're praying about!


Linda said...

I dearly love this post with the kids gathered in your home! What a blessing for everyone! Gives me comfort and hope for our future. My home was full of young people back in the day. Then full of grandchildren for some years. Feels kind of empty now. But I'm not complaining. I'm tired these days so I'm really glad I had the energy all those years.
Summer is in Puerto Rico and safe. Ruth Ann's daughter and granddaughter are in Florida so I join you in prayer for those in the areas affected by Irma......

Estelle's said...

What a heartwarming post Deanna...I too used to have a home filled with young all grown up with their own families...where did the years go...enjoy it now!

Cheri said...

Oh, this reminds me of the days when my three boys were still home. There would be crowds of teens in the living room. Playing games, singing songs, laughing, eating, being silly. Sometimes breaking things. Unintentionally, of course. I always loved that they were at our home. I knew where they were. I knew their friends. My advice to parents of teens. Make your home a welcoming place for your kids and their friends. And be present.

Then those boys grew up, married wonderful girls and started bringing us grandchildren. There are 6 of those. Ages 1-9. When they are all here there is singing, laughter, eating, noise, chaos, messy fingerprints on appliances, windows and doors. There is too much toilet paper in the toilet. There is always someone who needs a nap (Grandma? Grandpa?). Sippy cups on the counter, toys underfoot, chaos (did I mention that already?).

And I wouldn't change a thing. Bring on the kids, the grands, the mess, the noise, the chaos. Love it!

Praying for all you mentioned. Those affected by Harvey, Irma, the fires out west.

And our blogging friend, dear sweet, Brenda.

podso said...

I love those JB FRiendly village--they were a big item the year we got married. So they are really old! But remain popular with new production of them. I think the weather map has changed a fair bit now going up into VA and TN, after FL, with even our state now declared. I don't think anyone can really predict yet --- people are cleaning out the grocery shelves here as well.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm praying for all of you in Irma's path, and now Jose' too!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Its a fun time of life. We love having these young people here - we know them, and we know their families. Its a safe place for them to be!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

One day our home will be quiet, I know. I so enjoy getting to know them all and being their friend. I can't wait to watch them all get married, and start their own families.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm praying with you Linda!

Christine said...

Thanks for the prayers'
I live in Idaho and it is so sad to see all the trees on fire. Oregon and Washington are in trouble, too!

Home Keeping

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