Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 1, 2017

Weekend Thoughts

This is a photo of my sister in law's dad, many years ago.  This evening he slipped away from this life and into the arms of Jesus.  He will be greatly missed.

My sister in law was not able to get back to the states before he died, but will be arriving this weekend.

We are praying for everyone in the Houston, Texas area.  We have good friends down there.  They are all okay, and are all helping in some way.

Did you see this video?

This is what Americans are like.  Not like the politicians, and media, and others would like the world and all of us to think we are like.  There are incredible stories and photos from this terrible situation.  If this was taking place in a different country, you'd see
Americans on their way to help them, too.

I hope you have a great weekend.


Lorrie said...

Yes, there is much kindness in the world and people do want to help. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

R's Rue said...


Cathy said...

There may be a lot of bad, but there is so much good too. Thanks for the reminder.

Sandi said...

My condolences on your loss, Deanna. Praying for you and your sister-in-law.

Sue said...

So sorry for the family's loss, Texas remains in our thoughts and prayers, I am so encouraged by what I have seen in the rescuing efforts!

Rebecca said...

Yes, the examples and stories of people helping people are so inspiring. Wish it didn't take a disaster to bring the good to the headlines.....

Kim said...

So sorry to hear of your loss, prayers to you and your family. My heart goes out to Texas, too. And yes, it is great to see the country coming together. I really believe that there is so much more of this going on every day than the media would have us believe. I see it in my neighborhood on a daily basis.

Cheryl said...

Saying a prayer for your sister-in-law and her family . . . and for the people whose lives have been devastated by this storm . . . so much to pray about. So good to know we're in the palm of His hand.

podso said...

So much to be sober about and trust God for, thankful He knows all … I'm sure there is much rejoicing in heaven and well done faithful servant, but much sadness for your SIL and family.

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