Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Learning A New Knitting Stitch

As you know, I'm a very basic knitter.  I knit, I purl, and I do that in basic patterns.  I do love it, and I like having my hands busy with something in my freetime.  I've wanted to learn to do new stitches, and work my way from cowls, hats, and scarves to sweaters for my grandbabies, and maybe knitted slippers, too.

Its July, and hot as blazes outside, but I'm spending most of my time hunkered down in the air conditioning, so I thought it a fine time to bring out my knitting and try something new.

I found this neat stitch on Pinterest and watched this video.

I practiced with different size needles, and yarn and have settled into working with this for now - 

I'm having fun with it.

With it being high summer on the calendar, it seems a bit crazy that I'd be knitting, but for me Autumn begins at the beginning of September and if I wait to get started on projects, I won't have them done when we'll need them. 

Are you a knitter?  Do you knit year round? Are you working on projects or gifts?

Let's chat in the comments!


Rhonda said...

How fun! I don't knit but would love to learn. I can crochet just enough to make dishcloths or a baby blanket but that's it. I'm an avid cross stitcher and not a day goes by that I don't pick up my needle - even if only for a few minutes. I love to see what others create in whatever craft they are doing!

podso said...

I usually don't knit in the summer. If my hands are sweaty the yarn gets squeaky and doesn't flow as well. All that said, I have found myself knitting or crocheting the past two summers; but only in A/C.
I also love to crochet while the Gardener is driving on a road trip. Crocheting is more forgiving as you can lose your place and easily get back. I'm knitting something right now.

J. Johnson said...

So glad you posted this! I tend to mostly knit scarves, prayer shawls, and baby blankets in the winter, and dishcloths in the summer. I want to learn how to do i-cords (sp?) and use double pointed needles to make socks. (I've tried to use double pointed needles before, but somehow never end up in the round but end up with a flat project!)

Vee said...

One question for you: what free time? 😉 I have plenty of free time and sometimes, if a good reason arises, I enjoy knitting or crocheting. I have never graduated to socks, slippers or sweaters. Hope that you achieve all those goals as they make beautiful gifts. I find watching these kinds of videos very relaxing.

Anonymous said...

I am a knitter, I knit more before I lost my vision but I still let my fingers remember the way, simple stitches, I have the very same yarn as you! I love that yarn, I knit in the summer, I always have, just not big heavy projects, this is my first visit here, its so nice to meet you,, and I will enjoy following you!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I am not a knitter. I like the idea of knitting. I enjoy seeing the handiwork of other knitters. But I tried so many times over the years to learn and never really got the hang of it, so I finally hung up my knitting needles for good.

That colour you're working with is gorgeous!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I've seen your stitchery and its wonderful! I love to see others creating too!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I only knit in the summer in the A/C, as well! It'd be too hot otherwise! I knit and crochet, and I agree its easier to fix a mistake in crochet, but I'm learning to do it in knitting! I've had lots of practice!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I want to learn to do socks, too! And use double pointed needles...I'll have to get a knitting friend to sit with me and walk me through it, or watch a youtube video. I am such a visual learner!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

More free time as the kids get older and have there own stuff going on! With Sarah starting a job, I'll have to be driving her back and forth for a while, until she gets her license. She's already getting good driving practice in!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I bought that yarn to make a baby blanket for my grandson! It has the colors my daughter Emma loves in one, so it was the perfect yarn to use for his blanket! I'm glad you are able to still work with your hands. I admire that! I'm happy you're here at the blog! I'm so glad to meet you and look forward to getting to know you better!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you! The yarn has my daughter's favorite colors in it so it was perfect for my grandson's blanket.

Kim said...

I am a rudimentary knitter. I know how to knit and purl in a straight line. I am an awesome scarf maker! ;) I'd really love to learn more and have always wanted to learn how to crochet. Someday, perhaps.

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