Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Morning Sunshine

The sun has been hiding most of the summer from us, as we've had so much rain, and the sky has been grey even when it wasn't raining.  We had a cold front move through last night, with a lovely thunderstorm, and this morning the sun is shining!

I stepped out on the deck to snap a few photos.
 You can see the puddled water in the children's camp chair and see the wet decking.

A funny sight is this candle in a lantern.  The summer was so hot that the candle behind glass melted, and bent over to touch the glass.  But we've also had rain that has gotten inside the lantern.  I thought it was a perfect symbol of our summer.

I wanted to show you the little sewing kit I made for Rachel.
I simply bought a small sewing kit, and put it in this cute jar.  I'm going to try to put a small pair of scissors in there as well.  I couldn't find what I was looking for at Michael's, but I'm going to a smaller locally owned Mennonite store with a sewing section and I'm hoping I'll find them there.

We are headed out tomorrow for a long weekend visit with Rachel.  We are going to do some of my favorite things a head of my birthday next week.  I might be able to post here, but I'll definitely post on Instagram.

September has flown by, and its almost October.  I hope you have sunny skies where you are, and a lovely weekend.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Words To Live By

Words are powerful things.  They can build up or they can be used to tear down.  As we've raised our kids, we didn't allow them to say "shut up" to each other, or other unkind things.  I'm glad we chose that because they've grown up and learned to deal with their differences without tearing each other down with words.

Years ago we decided to have reminders and encouragement around our home.

We like to have these words where we can see them every day.  We have so much to be thankful for, we have such a loving God, but we all need to be reminded of these things.  I'm happy that there are so many beautiful ways to have these reminders in our home.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Garden: Late September

There was a brief view of blue sky on Saturday when Lindsay came to help me weed and cut back all the spent flowers and plants.  This summer was hard on the garden.

I trimmed back this hydrangea and I might do a bit more trimming, but at least the sidewalk can be walked on now!

Tim took advantage of the fact that it wasn't raining, though it did in the evening and drizzled all day Sunday, to change the oil in both vehicles, and check brake wear.

Lindsay is hard and cheerful worker.  I wanted to get rid of a few plants that were too close to the sidewalk, and she decided to pot them and take the home.  I was glad to share!  That black blob in the photo near the pitchfork is Watson our cat.  He came out to make sure we were doing everything just right.
 When we finished this Cottage Garden section, we went 1 minute down the road to our local produce stand and bought a few mums to place in the garden.

I bought two deep red, and one white with yellow centers.  They are a nice pop of color in the garden.

The other section of the front garden had to wait for another day.  Rain was threatening and it did indeed start to rain.  It drizzled all day Sunday and Monday, but its really raining today.  Our neighbors who own the produce stand say that this has been a hard growing year.  They only have like 20 pumpkins for sale, and some places have none.  With so much rain, many of the pumpkins just rotted on the vines.  So sad.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Knitting Projects

With the cool, rainy weather we're having (which is a change from the hot, humid rainy weather we had all summer) I've been working on knitting projects in the evening.

I started and finished a cowl on Saturday.  Super easy - I used my size 35 needles and cast on 21 stitches.  I knit 30 rows for this one but you could do more.  Cast off, and stitch the ends together.

Yesterday I started an infinity scarf.  With smaller needles than the cowl, it will take longer but it is the same basic pattern.  I will do more than 30 rows, as the person this is for wants it long.  And I will make it mobius. 

Definition of Möbius strip. : a one-sided surface that is constructed from a rectangle by holding one end fixed, rotating the opposite end through 180 degrees, and joining it to the first end.

The colors are off a bit, as it is a rainy morning.  You may have noticed I took the photos right under the lamp, the evidences of daily life in the photos; a blue ray remote and another rolled skein of yarn.

How did you welcome Autumn this weekend?

Friday, September 21, 2018

A Little Something

See these sweet little jars with the copper lids?  I got them in the Dollar Spot at Target this week.  Three dollars for three jars.  The M&M's cost more!

Don't you just love finding a little something sweet like this?  Each one holds 16 ounces, so they are a nice size for treats, or using for gifts.  I'm going to use one to make a basic sewing kit for Rachel.  I'll include a few basic threads, some needles, a few safety pins.  Just the kinds of things a student living away from home needs to repair a seam or something like that.  I'm hoping to find another set of three today when I go out shopping.

I hope you have a good weekend.  Embrace Autumn tomorrow!  My favorite season is here!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Queen of Autumn Speaks

Greetings to all the loyal subjects of Autumn!  

I just wanted to mention that this weekend marks the beginning of the Autumn season, and we autumnites who don't like soaring temperatures and life sucking humidity, are coming into the season that brings life to us!

Just think, finally we'll be able to go outside and not start to sweat right away.  We'll be able to host campfires, and cook s'mores, and hot dogs over an open fire.  We'll actually be able to sit outside and enjoy the cooler temperatures, or take a walk. 

Our enjoyment of being outside will be added to by the beauty of changing leaves.  We'll actually be able to enjoy sunny days, with big white puffy clouds, knowing we will not be fried by the sun.

When we go outside we'll likely need a sweater, or even a jacket and we'll probably get to wear a cute hat, too!  Our scarves that have been shoved into a drawer will get to come out and play again, too!

We citizens of Autumnland, will begin to cook comfort foods again.  Soups, stews, desserts with pumpkin or apples.  We'll get to drink apple cider and eat apple cider donuts. 

Its going to be amazing!  And it all starts this weekend.  I'm ready are you?!

Your Queen

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Autumn Centerpiece

Autumn arrives this weekend!  Hurrah!  My favorite time of the year.  Being in upstate New York this past weekend really got me in an autumn state of mind because there were some leaves already changing up there.  They will have their peak turning time around Columbus Day weekend and we are usually about two weeks after that.

Yesterday, I decided to put together a centerpiece for the autumn season.  I already had this trough, the white plates, and had make the oak book leaves last week.  I added three amber ball canning jars, with three of Rachel's sunflowers in them, an put a new ceramic pumpkin on top of the plates.

I may still tweak it, but it got compliments from Rachel's boy friend, Wes, when he came to dinner last night.  I always try to make my centerpiece portable, so when the kids' friends come and they want to play games at the table, it's easy to pick it up an move it out of the way.

I'm slowly moving autumn into our cottage.  The temperatures are finally moderating, and I might even get some mums this weekend, and a pumpkin or two, or three!

Have you begun to add autumn touches to your homes?

Monday, September 17, 2018

A New Chapter In Our Lives

We headed to Upstate New York on Friday.  It was a beautiful day.  The whole weekend was beautiful, actually.  Sunshine, no humidity, big white puffy clouds.

When we arrived Rachel went through the registration process.

The dining room.  This place holds a ton of people and the food is amazingly good.

Her school is located on a lake!

We stayed in a nearby lodge.  Its exactly what you'd expect from a lodge in the Adirondacks.

There were some changing leaves there, and they definitely were decorated for the fall.  Peak season is in about two weeks.  Just in time for my birthday!

My breakfast Saturday morning.

It was foggy in the mornings...

But clear and bright by afternoon.

You know I always notice the flowers...

Saturday evening we took a ferry over to Vermont just for fun.

We managed some smiling photos Sunday morning...

But the tears flowed when we left.  

We are so proud of Rachel for her hard work to go to school fully funded.  She'll have no debt when she finishes.  We're thankful for her love for the Lord and for her choosing to take a year of her life and study the Bible.  We believe it will benefit her for her lifetime.

Now I need to get back to my daily life.  Take Sarah to work, I'm getting my hair cut, shopping for groceries, supervising Kyle's schoolwork.  I tell you I could get used to having all my meals prepared for me like we had this weekend. (grin)  

Have a great week!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thoughts On Thursday

We had a lovely campfire last night (though it was warm and humid).  Rachel wanted one last time with her sweet and kind friends.

 We'd had some rain yesterday and because this summer has been so rainy the ground is pretty squishy.  It didn't deter the sweet babe in her cute pink shoes, as she ate snacks and walked all around.  It didn't deter others from throwing the frisbee and having a great time.

I rearranged a bit in my bedroom and in the living room.  The bedroom became the place for the bookcase, and I pushed the love seat up against the plate wall.

I moved the table, that was where the brown Ikea chair is, to the end of the loveseat to hold a lamp and be a place for people to put their cups or books etc.  The chair that Watson is sleeping in was next to the bookcase on the plate wall. 

 See how this small change has opened up the room?  With autumn and winter coming, it will make it easier to get around when everyone is hanging out inside the house, rather than outside!

 Today is our first day of co-op, so I'll be heading out in a few hours to set up our parents room.  I need to stop on the way for creamer, water and a few snacks.

We are praying for Hurricane Florence to turn out into the Atlantic, and for safety for everyone in her path.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Just A Few More Days

and we'll be headed north to take Rachel to Bible school.  I'm really going to miss her.  I'm grateful for how time flies, because that means she'll be back for Thanksgiving and then Christmas before we know it!

She's been doing 'all the things' with friends and family, trying to soak it all in.  Tonight she's hosting a bonfire here, and I hope it doesn't rain.

Last night, Lindsay and Joseph and Wes were here for dinner with us.  I made a big pot of chicken tortilla soup, and we watched a movie.
                                              Wes, Rachel, Sarah, Kyle, Joseph and Lindsay

You have no idea what it takes to pick a movie with these people!  Lol!

We ended up watching an old one that Wes had never seen - "While You Were Sleeping."  Sarah was determined that he get to see it, and as other things needed to be filtered, and Tim needed the laptop, she was successful.

Your prayers for us all are appreciated.  So thankful for Rachel's heart for God, her love for her family.  She has worked hard for two years to save enough money to go and be debt free when she finishes.

Hope you're all doing well, and having a good week.  We've had much cooler temps but nearly constant rain, and we are looking at some rain from Florence, this weekend. 

Are you in impact areas from Florence? Let us know in the comments, so we can pray for you!

Monday, September 10, 2018

A Bit Of Cheer On A Rainy Day

Last evening after nearly everyone was gone, the kitchen table was moved and some swing dancing began.

Sarah is teaching Tim to swing dance, so I think I'll be practicing too!

The best thing is laughing together and sharing life with family and friends.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

5th Annual Covenanter Scottish Festival

Don't miss it if you are local!  So much going on, Pipers and Dancers, Sheep Herding demonstrations, music and singing, Highland Games!  
We've been going for the past four years, and every year it has grown and been such a great day!  We've had hot weather, drizzle, cool, weather but each time is fun.  Its raining this morning but its supposed to stop by 9:00 am.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday Five

Family Five today -

1. and 2.  Sarah and Rachel at swing dancing.  They have a great group of friends and they love to go dancing on Saturday evenings!

3. Kyle at work with Tim.  Learning hard work.

 4. Kayleigh graduated last night from her Nail Tech course.  She's already working in a nice salon.

5. Emma sent me this photo of Clark in his jumper.  Too sweet!

Happy Weekend Friends!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...