Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Thoughts For The New Decade

Looking back on this decade and so much has changed. My son became a dad in 2010 when Kamryn was born. 

Lindsay got married in 2014, 

Emma went away to Bible College in 2014,

 Nate and Kayleigh got married in 2015,

Emma and Vinnie got married in 2015, too!

2016 brought two new grandbaby girls, Isla and Klaire.

2018 brought us a grandson, Clark.  

Also in 2018 Rachel began dating Wes and also attended Word of Life Bible Institute in Scroon Lake, NY.  2019 brought her graduation, and their engagement.  

Our granddaughter Kaidence was born in June.

2020 will bring Rachel and Wes' wedding and a new grandbaby. (Emma and Vinnie)

Through all these highlights, there have been sad things as well. Tim's mom was diagnosed with short term memory loss dementia, and has several small strokes.  She has full time care in her home, from a caregiver, and from family.  We both lost some aunts and uncles, and the week before Christmas brought the loss of my great uncle, and my dad's brother.  There have been hurt feelings, and struggles between us all, and yet God's grace has kept us moving forward in forgiveness and love.

I'm grateful for it all, and beyond thankful for Christ's redeeming love.  I'm praying that the next decade God will be glorified in our lives.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Weekend Wedding

Saturday's wedding was in a local greenhouse, owned by friends of the brides' family.  They are closed now until spring, so this was a large available space.  It was a really wonderful venue for a wedding.

They have many unique tables that are used for display, so we took advantage of them.

 We set up all the tables, then moved seven of them to accommodate the ceremony space.  It was so handy to have other greenhouse tunnels to use to slide the already set tables into and out of the way.  After the ceremony we simply moved all the chairs to the tables that were still out and brought the remaining seven tables out and put chairs there, too!

The rehearsal dinner was from a local greek restaurant and was tasty!  The groom's mom set up folding tables into the space, and used the catering space to set up her catered food!

Friday night before the rehearsal the bride and groom were walking around looking at everything.  I caught them like this.  I only made them not move so I could snap a photo!

They had six attendants each, two flower girls, and one small ring bearer.  His granddad married them.

 Here is a zoomed in photo of the ring bearer.  The grooms' youngest brother.  He was very pleased with himself, and he did a great job.

The morning of the wedding the groomsmen gathered.  

Groomsmen boutonnieres

The white fabric background with tulle and green vines turned out so well and was the background for dancing (this was the space for the dance floor) and many selfies!

Everything in these place settings were disposable.  It looks great and makes for easy clean up.

Everyone enjoyed celebrating with the bride and groom, Rachel and Daniel.

I set up my garden table for a sweetheart table.

This space with the red doors and the urns was already in place and in the center of the room!  All I did was fill the urns and set up the table for them.  The bench they are seated on was already there, too!

The brides brother lead worship and I found out that greenhouses have amazing acoustics.

Kyle and Sarah at the wedding.

The tables had greens on them, these great wood cut out table numbers, and two photos.  Each photo showed different stages of the bride and grooms lives.

My sweet friend Maureen took this photo of us after everything was over.  Wes is looking off to the left in the photo and he thinks he looks bad, but the rest of us look good, so I used it! (sorry, not sorry Wes!)

Tomorrow Tim and I are headed to an Airbnb for a few days to celebrate our 32nd anniversary.  We're not going far, but it will be a lovely time to relax and share time together.  

Happy New Year, everyone, and Happy New Decade!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday Five

We had a very nice Christmas.  Low key, but truthfully a bit crazy when the grandgirlies were here.  The three year old is in a testing stage - "Do you really mean what you say...everytime?"  She's darling and will come through it, as they all do.

1. I got this book I've been wanting to read!  It is "The Other Side Of The Coin," by Angela Kelly.  Miss Kelly is the head dresser for the Queen.  I'm enjoying it very much!

2. Any guesses as to whose stocking this is?

3. Yesterday, I worked on wedding florals.  Sneak Peek at the bridal bouquet. 

4. The groom's boutonniere

5. Groomsmen's boutonniere.

The bridesmaids are only having greens and baby's breath so the groomsmen are matching that.  They've turnout so beautifully.  I'm very happy about it!

I'm off to put garlands up and on tables, to help with the layout of tables etc.  This evening is the rehearsal dinner, and tomorrow mid morning is the wedding.  

This wedding is my son in law's brothers' wedding.  These young adults have grown up around our home, and it is a delight to me to be a part of making their weddings special.  My son in law, Joseph is in the wedding, and so is Rachel's fiance Weston.

I'll try to get photos along the way.  

Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve And Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to this gem.  He's a treasure.  Next week we celebrate 32 years of marriage.  

Today we'll be meeting up with family and friends to share a birthday lunch out, as we always do.  Later, we'll open Christmas stockings, play games, and enjoy our time together with our family.

I hope that your Christmas celebrations are sweet.  Much love from my family to yours.

Merriest Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2019

It's So Close!

Christmas week has begun!  Tim is off today, and we're getting ready to head out to run errands, and grab breakfast together.  

I've been knitting, and knitting.  Four cowls for Christmas stocking gifts, and hopefully I'll get this mariners knit cap done, too!

Gifts are wrapped, though a few gifts are still on the way and will get wrapped when they arrive.

Mom, Kamryn, and I decorated some cookies yesterday.

I might make some shortbread cookies still, but otherwise I'm done with Christmas baking!

This past week was a tough one.  My great uncle died on Thursday. On Friday, my Dad's brother died. We are praying for my Auntie, and for all of the family.  There are many hurting hearts.

Christmas is all the sweeter, I think, being reminded that we needed to be saved and death defeated and that is why He came.

I'm planning to post tomorrow, but if I don't, I want to say Merry Christmas to you all!  May you feel the deep wonder and joy of the season.  

I'm sharing my Creekside Cottage Christmas playlist{here} in case you missed it last week.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Friday Five

It's almost Christmas!  

I've mentioned before that I chose, several years ago, to make Christmas a time of less stress for me.  I had spent so much energy and effort making Christmas special for everyone, and felt a bit let down afterward that I didn't seem to have really experienced the season.  I'd been too busy.

So now I don't try to do everything, we gift fewer gifts to our loved ones, I don't stress about baking, or how many times we go see the lights, or movie watching.

My family is almost all grown and it is nearly impossible to get everyone's schedule to coordinate etc.  So instead of not doing anything, I've taken the opportunity while knitting gifts to watch some Christmas movies that I like to watch every year.  I've watched them mostly in the afternoons, but a few in the evenings.

I've really enjoyed it.  I'm keeping Christmas for myself, and with the whole family, too, and everyone is happy.

I don't know if what I've written will help anyone, but if you've been struggling with finding your Christmas Spirit, I hope you'll know that you can find joy in spite of circumstances!

1. This table on my deck has been my favorite thing this Christmas season.  I'm planning on leaving out there all winter!

2. I shared this on Instagram. I placed my Christmas tree in front of the mirror this year, and it has double the sparkle and beauty!

3. Rachel and Wes got some photos taken on Sunday to use for their save the dates.  She is one happy young woman!

4. I threw this centerpiece together - my wooden trough, greens from our tree, a red metal container, red plaid plates and a few bowls to keep treats in.  That's been popular as you can see.  I threw some clementines into the greens, and this past week, I dried some citrus fruit and added them, too.

5. This chicken video got a content warning on Instagram this week!  

I hope this weekend finds you filled with Hope as we prepare to celebrate His Coming into the World.  He's the only God in the  universe who doesn't require us to do anything to save ourselves.  He did all the hard work.  Then He comes to dwell in us, and by His Spirit, works in us to make us more like Him.

I'm so thankful, and I'm celebrating with our favorite egg nog, sparkling grape juice, lots of good treats, giving gifts, and sharing the Joy of the season!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Wedding Planning During The Holidays

Six years ago, I found myself with an engaged daughter and a wedding to plan during the holidays.  Lindsay's wedding was five years ago on March 1st.  

Four years ago, Emma was engaged, and we were planning her December wedding. 

Today, I have another engaged daughter and we are planning Rachel's April wedding during the holidays. 

I wrote some thoughts about planning for Emma's wedding during the holidays {here}.

Today, we went to see a venue, and we love it. It's very much their style!  We'll know by the end of the day, because it involves a date change.  Once this place is booked, everything else will fall into place.

I have some shopping to do, grocery and gift.  Still no stress here.  I decided years ago to keep my focus on celebrating the gift of His Coming! How amazing that our God would come to dwell among His creation, by becoming one of us.  

I have an Great Uncle on hospice care, and a friend whose heart is hurting...there is sadness even during this season of joy.  That is exactly why He came!  

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, Born to set they people free;From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in thee.Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth thou art.Dear desire of every nation.Joy of every longing heart.

I created a Creekside Cottage Christmas playlist on Spotify.  {here}

My Christmas gift to you.  I hope you are savoring the season.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Bit Of Christmas In The Master Bedroom

I wanted to show you my Master Bedroom today.  I have a little bit of tidying to do in the sitting room area of the master, and once I get that done, I'll show you a tour (maybe video) of the whole room. 

Our Lucid 12 inch memory foam mattress continues to give us good rest at night.  This was the best purchase we may all year!  Our coverlet was not quite warm enough, and I want to find a comforter for it.  Until I find one that is just what I want, I layered our old full sized comforter on top of the coverlet.  For Christmas Cheer, I've added my plaid wrap.

I love layering pattern and texture.

Next to my side of the bed is my dresser.  Our property slopes down so from our first floor bedroom the view is the same as if we had a second floor!  I enjoyed adding a garland, so battery operated lights and a plaid ribbon, of course.

 My secretary continues to be a joy to my heart.  This is the second best purchase of the year. You can read all about it {here}.

 We made a change in the master this year.  We took the massive, old gas fireplace downstairs to the basement sitting area.  It runs on propane and helps keep that area cozy and warm.

We put it where this dry sink was, so I had Tim bring this upstairs to our master for now.  It has a board in the sink area so I have a flat surface for display right now, but normally it is an open sink.  I don't use it for more than storage, and Tim has talked about selling it, but I'm not ready for that yet.

I hope you're enjoying your Christmas preparations.  I watched an interesting video (in three parts) on youtube last evening.  Delia Smith's Classic Christmas.  She's English and she encourages her viewers (from the BBC) that they can cook at home for Christmas.  I found it very watchable and enjoyed knitting and watching her cook English Christmas favorites.  If you follow her directions, you too, can cook for Christmas at your home!  Here is a link to the first video. {Delia Smith}

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...