Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 20, 2019

Friday Five

It's almost Christmas!  

I've mentioned before that I chose, several years ago, to make Christmas a time of less stress for me.  I had spent so much energy and effort making Christmas special for everyone, and felt a bit let down afterward that I didn't seem to have really experienced the season.  I'd been too busy.

So now I don't try to do everything, we gift fewer gifts to our loved ones, I don't stress about baking, or how many times we go see the lights, or movie watching.

My family is almost all grown and it is nearly impossible to get everyone's schedule to coordinate etc.  So instead of not doing anything, I've taken the opportunity while knitting gifts to watch some Christmas movies that I like to watch every year.  I've watched them mostly in the afternoons, but a few in the evenings.

I've really enjoyed it.  I'm keeping Christmas for myself, and with the whole family, too, and everyone is happy.

I don't know if what I've written will help anyone, but if you've been struggling with finding your Christmas Spirit, I hope you'll know that you can find joy in spite of circumstances!

1. This table on my deck has been my favorite thing this Christmas season.  I'm planning on leaving out there all winter!

2. I shared this on Instagram. I placed my Christmas tree in front of the mirror this year, and it has double the sparkle and beauty!

3. Rachel and Wes got some photos taken on Sunday to use for their save the dates.  She is one happy young woman!

4. I threw this centerpiece together - my wooden trough, greens from our tree, a red metal container, red plaid plates and a few bowls to keep treats in.  That's been popular as you can see.  I threw some clementines into the greens, and this past week, I dried some citrus fruit and added them, too.

5. This chicken video got a content warning on Instagram this week!  

I hope this weekend finds you filled with Hope as we prepare to celebrate His Coming into the World.  He's the only God in the  universe who doesn't require us to do anything to save ourselves.  He did all the hard work.  Then He comes to dwell in us, and by His Spirit, works in us to make us more like Him.

I'm so thankful, and I'm celebrating with our favorite egg nog, sparkling grape juice, lots of good treats, giving gifts, and sharing the Joy of the season!


Barb said...

Beautiful post, and just what I needed to hear. Merry Christmas!!

Lorrie said...

Slowing down and taking time to think and pray is so important. Love the things that are making you happy these days.

Theresa said...

I have tried to do some of this. Less stress is best for us:) Love that picture of Rachel and Wes! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Oh, I have not been without Christmas spirit!! I have loved decorating my home, buying gifts for my dear ones, working on a few handmade gifts, wrapping, singing the beautiful songs of the season! But I must confess to a bit of stress. The shortness of the season this year (3 weeks, 6 days!) plus a few added responsibilities . . . whew! Next year my adult-self needs to tell my autumn-loving-self to start preparing for Christmas before Thanksgiving! 😂

Information Friday

  Two things that will change - 1. Move the grill, and 2. Find a spot for my lamppost. The firewood holder and the fire ring need a new spot...