Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas Projects: Knitting And Decor

On this end to the first week of December, I wanted to show you a few things I've been working on.

First, I had a lot of Fraser Fir left from trimming the tree and I wanted to use it in some way.  Second, its been windy and I needed to keep these pots on the table to keep the cloth on.  I started laying on the greens and then decided to try to stick them into the pots too! Kind of crazy, but I like it.  I'm going to add a string of lights here and call it done for the winter!  I'm enjoying being able to see this outside on the deck!

The other project I'm doing is knitting up some cowls to put in Christmas stockings.  I found this lovely velvet yarn at Hobby Lobby and bought it in three colors.  Its yummy.  The pattern couldn't be more simple - cast on 22 stitches, and knit every row until it is as long as you want it! (the needles are size 17us)

This color is a teal and I took both of these photos this morning, the first in the living room, and the second in the kitchen.  The color is somewhere in between these two photos.

On a personal note, I'm hosting my co-op moms tonight for a Christmas gathering.  I'm looking forward to sharing some good conversation, good food, and the joy of the season with them!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love the cowl you gifted me last year. It will get lots of use as soon as that Arctic front comes through next week.

Cheryl said...

Having received one of your lovely handmade cowls, I am sure that the recipients of these teal ones will love them!!

I am guessing that your co-op friends are gathered at your house right about now! It is easy for me to imagine a warm and cheerful atmosphere and a houseful of happy guests!!

Vee said...

Brenda is frightening me! When she starts talking about weather, I pay attention because it is usually headed my way. 😳 Yes, I take it personally. 😁

I like the Christmas~Winter display on your deck table. I have a table on my deck that could use a little something something.

Your cowls will bless mightily. That is a beautiful color.

Hope that you’re right in the middle of enjoying your time with the co-op moms.

Theresa said...

I like using what I have too:) That yarn is SO pretty, I know they will be beautiful. Time with friends is extra special this time of year! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Lorrie said...

The velvety yarn for the cowls will be cozy and beautiful. Love the tabletop outside!

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