Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Bit Of Christmas In The Master Bedroom

I wanted to show you my Master Bedroom today.  I have a little bit of tidying to do in the sitting room area of the master, and once I get that done, I'll show you a tour (maybe video) of the whole room. 

Our Lucid 12 inch memory foam mattress continues to give us good rest at night.  This was the best purchase we may all year!  Our coverlet was not quite warm enough, and I want to find a comforter for it.  Until I find one that is just what I want, I layered our old full sized comforter on top of the coverlet.  For Christmas Cheer, I've added my plaid wrap.

I love layering pattern and texture.

Next to my side of the bed is my dresser.  Our property slopes down so from our first floor bedroom the view is the same as if we had a second floor!  I enjoyed adding a garland, so battery operated lights and a plaid ribbon, of course.

 My secretary continues to be a joy to my heart.  This is the second best purchase of the year. You can read all about it {here}.

 We made a change in the master this year.  We took the massive, old gas fireplace downstairs to the basement sitting area.  It runs on propane and helps keep that area cozy and warm.

We put it where this dry sink was, so I had Tim bring this upstairs to our master for now.  It has a board in the sink area so I have a flat surface for display right now, but normally it is an open sink.  I don't use it for more than storage, and Tim has talked about selling it, but I'm not ready for that yet.

I hope you're enjoying your Christmas preparations.  I watched an interesting video (in three parts) on youtube last evening.  Delia Smith's Classic Christmas.  She's English and she encourages her viewers (from the BBC) that they can cook at home for Christmas.  I found it very watchable and enjoyed knitting and watching her cook English Christmas favorites.  If you follow her directions, you too, can cook for Christmas at your home!  Here is a link to the first video. {Delia Smith}


Vee said...

Delia’s videos will be fun as I wrap and wrap and wrap. I can assure you that I most definitely will not be making a Christmas pudding. How about you?

Linda said...

It’s all so warm and cozy! My two favorite words! Thank you for the link to the Christmas program. I checked it out and will be watching them today! I’m having my friend Brenda over for lunch then I’m off to do errands this afternoon. Christmas is coming!

Elizabethd said...

We all enjoy Delia's programmes, such a sensible cook. I have collected all her books and go back to them often.
Lovely bedroom.

Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness . . . your dry sink is wonderful!! Isn't it funny the chain reaction that occurs when we get a new piece or move an old one? Suddenly, you're moving things around all over the house! Your bedroom looks super cozy and cheerful!

Estelle's said...

Looks so pretty Deanna..reminds me of a colonial look in a Williamsburg home...Merry Christmas to you and those you love! said...

I just watched a few minutes of the Delia video, I'll be watching all of them when I have more time to savor it! Thank you.


  This weekend was fun. I went to tea with co-op friends, at one of their houses. It was open to all moms. It was a wonderful time of fellow...