Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 22, 2019

Beautiful Easter

We had a wonderful Easter.  It started with Rachel surprising us on Thursday evening.  Our church had a really special Good Friday service, we went to breakfast on Saturday morning.  Yesterday, Nate and Kayleigh came to the Easter service, and then we all came together for lunch at our house.

We had 15 people here for lunch - our family, Wes and his brother Reeve and sister in law Faith, Nate and Kay and the girls, my parents, and our friend Denny.

I set two tables.

 I really enjoy setting a beautiful table!

Kamryn and Klaire's places had their special bunnies!

The weather was mostly sunny and warm.  These clouds just moved through and we had no rain.  It was perfect for the egg hunt, this year just the grandgirlies did participated.

We served ham, potato salad, broccoli salad, pasta salad, green bean casserole, jello.  Everyone brought something.  For dessert we had a Key Lime pie, and I made a low carb lemon yogurt cake.  It was delicious.

Here is the recipe - Lemon Yogurt Cake

I whipped up a little heavy whipping cream, and put some sliced strawberries with it.  It was wonderful.  I did make a substitution of THM Baking Blend for the 1/3 cup each of almond flour, coconut flour and ground flax seed.  (the baking blend has those ingredients in it)

Not only did Sarah, my Mom and I enjoy it, but our guest Faith is doing a liver cleanse and has to be careful what she eats.  This cake was completely on her plan and so she was able to enjoy dessert too!

This morning, we sent Rachel back to school.  She is getting so close to being finished with her academic portion of her year; just about four weeks.  Then she'll have a three week break and she'll go back for summer ministry.  She'll graduate in August.  We are all looking forward to that!

Today, I'll be getting the house back in order, and getting us all ready for a quick trip down to Florida.  We are having a family reunion on Tim's side of the family and getting to see our friends.  We have housesitter/animal care all taken care of, and Kyle will mow tomorrow before we leave.  The grass is growing fast these days and is so green!

I trust you all had a really good Easter, too.  I'm so thankful for the Resurrection!


Vee said...

Busy days behind; busy days ahead! A wonderful Easter Sunday gathering... How pleasant to see everyone enjoying the day. Your tables look beautiful and your menu sounds delicious!

Cheryl said...

Such happy-busy times!! Your Easter celebration looks lovely (and delicious)! Such a pretty table! 'll bet the girls were delighted with their bunnies!

Blessings on your travels and all of the upcoming events!! Life is moving along so quickly . . .

Information Friday

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