Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 15, 2019

Morning At The Cottage

Good Morning from the Cottage!  It's a lovely morning, after a drizzly Sunday and a thunderstorm last night.  The lilacs are so close to blooming!  They are full of blooms this year, and are going to be gorgeous.  This one is right outside our kitchen door!

I found a lovely hydrangea at Aldi on Friday.

I have some tiny daffodils in my garden, and Kamryn picked a few yesterday.  I popped them into this little glass vase from Target's Dollar spot.

I ended up making 10 bunnies on Saturday.
Four are for my grands.  A friend came and got the two white ones and the green floral that is tucked in the corner on the right, for her wee girls. I gave the pink checked one to baby Brielle, who I got to see yesterday!  

That leaves just one green bunny left.  I think I'll take it to my great niece in Florida.  We are headed down there at the end of the month for a mini family reunion.

I took Sarah to work this morning, and when I got home the sun was shining through the sliding doors onto this arrangement on the coffee table.

I'm not sure what this plant is, I got it at the grocery store.  Its a succulent of some kind with wee white flowers.

They look like tiny roses.

We had a lovely Palm Sunday.  We spent the afternoon with friends.  At church our pastor spoke about Heaven: Total Anticipation.  We've been studying in Titus and yesterday he spoke on chapter 2:11-14.

With Easter a week away, he spoke of heaven.  He said as a pastor he has done many funerals and attended them.  He said people say the following things at funerals - 

1. Most people talk about heaven.
2. They believe about heaven in a way that makes them comfortable.
3. Heaven is all friendship based, not God focused. "Now my loved one is with friends and family." (this is not wrong, his point was that most people at funerals speak about this and not that their loved one is with Jesus)
4. Everyone believes their loved one is in heaven.
5. Most people ignore hell.

He shared six things about heaven -  

1. Heaven is a hope.
2. Heaven is a promise.
3. Heaven is a salvation. (it teaches us to say no to ungodliness, and worldly desires, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in the present age)
4. Heaven is a wait. (we wait for the blessed hope.  It whets our appetite for the great and glorious day.
5. Heaven is a time to see Jesus.  
6. Heaven is redemption.  (Chapter 2:14 says - He gave himself for us to set us free from every kind of lawlessness and to purify for himself a people who are truly his, who are eager to do good.

This week we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  It is because of his resurrection that we have the hope of eternal life.  Just as he died, and rose to new life, so we too, can die to ourselves when we trust in Christ's sacrifice for our sin, and we can be raised to new life.  Now that's something to celebrate!

Happy Monday friends!


Theresa said...

You know I always talk about getting some lilacs but never do:) They are SO pretty and I love hydrangeas! Love the 6 things about Heaven, thanks for sharing! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Our rain mixed with snow starting in the afternoon. Thankfully, the sun is out today!

I find it interesting that so many of our old hymns were about Heaven. I think they understood that the hope of Heaven is that finish line we desire crossing someday. It doesn't show a lack of faith for today. The older I get, the more I think of it as Home.

Vee said...

Your pastor and I think quite differently. 🌿 The bunnies are all gone! Not a one left for a shelf at your place? 😁 So like you! Beautiful hydrangea!

Elizabethd said...

How lovely to have lilacs, one of the best Spring shrubs.

Cheryl said...

So much "pretty" at your house!! I love all your flowers! And those bunnies . . . adorable!!

I have noticed some of those things about people's concepts of Heaven. Even among believers, there is often an emphasis on seeing loved ones. But I think that Heaven is SO much more than that! We will be with our Creator, our great and mighty God, and the One who died to redeem!! We will fall on our faces in worship and awe!!

Mrs.T said...

Lilacs ready to bloom? Oh, the injustice of it! Still surrounded by snow here ...

That hydrangea is gorgeous!

Mrs.T said...

My friend was recently widowed. She so often voices just what you have said, Cheryl, that Heaven will be so much more than seeing her husband again, much as she longs to see him. She has often used almost the same words you did -- that we will be with our Savior and praising and worshiping Him. I'm thankful for her excellent perspective even in her grief.

Kim said...

We had tons of sun and warm temps this weekend, it was great to get out on the garden and see some flowers....and those bunnies are darling.

Cheryl said...

Thank you for sharing that Mrs. T. That is such an encouragement! Your friend must have a deep faith!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Mrs. T your friend is a gift to us all and helps build our faith by her example! I'm so thankful for people like her!

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