Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 12, 2019

Fabric Bunnies

I spent a few hours yesterday tracing and cutting out fabric bunnies.  They will be stitched up with a quarter inch hem on the outside, stuffed, and then the bottom sewn.  They'll get a bit of twine or ribbon around their necks.

I thought I was going to just do four, but I couldn't stop myself once I started going through my fabric stash.

I've actually got two each of the green and white bunnies cut out.  I love the florals, and may do a few more of them.  

This is what my Saturday is going to look like!  Oh, and I might use pinking shears around the edges once their sewn!

On another note, I am reading and comment on your blogs, but getting my sent mail back saying it couldn't be delivered.  Is this what has happened to those of you who've said their unable to comment?  Also, its happening when I try to reply to your comments on my blog.  I've changed nothing with my email, but it seems as if the blogger commenting issue has finally hit me!  If we're FB friends I'll try to comment there to those who link their blog posts.  Otherwise know that I'll keep trying!  

I value this community and wouldn't want you to think that I've stopped visiting your blogs!


Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Hello there! They are so cute. I had an issue using an ipad and iphone for commenting. It was doing the same thing. But it doesn't using a desktop/laptop. Which is not convenient .

Linda said...

I love your bunnies! My favorite is the one on the right in the last photo! I may bring my sewing machine down here to the ranch someday. Seems like I do all my painting and writing down here.....might as well add sewing. Although I’m taking all my art supplies gone with me this month. I want to be able to paint if I want to.
You always stay busy with one creative thing or another!

Elizabethd said...

I get the same, Deanna, but I can see that the comments do actually arrive on the person's blog, just not in their inbox, I guess.

Kim said...

Oh my goodness, they are the sweetest and I love your fabrics. What a fun stash you have! I haven't had any trouble commenting, but I have heard of others who have...hmmm...Blogger is a fickle friend.

Vee said...

Mrs.T suggested I switch my browser to Firefox. That resolved my issues.

Love those floral fabric bunnies! Can’t wait to see one finished up. Course seeing all of them would be delightful as well.

podso said...

Oh the bunnies are going to be cute! I think you are leaving the edges outside and therefore pinking them? That would be cute too! You will have to show off your work.

Don't have a clue about the comment issue.

Lorrie said...

Blogging troubles seem to be rampant, although I don't have any. My browser is Google Chrome, which blogger probably likes, being a Google product.

cute bunnies, hope to see them finished, too!

Theresa said...

Those are precious! Not sure what's happening with the comments or emails. I haven't changed anything either. Have a blessed day working on those cute bunnies:) HUGS!

Rebecca said...

Oh, y! Those are darling! I just may have to steal your idea!

Estelle's said...

These are so sweet the fabric you chose!

Information Friday

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