Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Here Comes The Sun

Sarah often has to be at work early in the morning.  That means an even earlier start from our house.  A benefit is watching the sun rise.

 We take mostly back roads the whole way so its easy to stop and snap a few quick photos, since there are few cars on the roads with us.

On the way home, I was able to snap the sun rising in my side mirror.

On days that I don't have plans to go somewhere, she drives herself to work, but today I have a hair cut scheduled, so I drove her.  I like going places with her - she has the best music on her phone!  She and I both love to sing, so its a fun drive even when we're both still tired!

Have a great Tuesday, everyone!


Theresa said...

I LOVE watching the sunrise and sunset:) I pull over and snap pics too. If I am at the beach (my fave) I get up early so I don't miss seeing it. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

Another blessing of the job...Sarah doesn’t have her own wheels yet I take it. That’s why she’s working! Okay, I’m getting it. Jake, the younger grandson is spending an overnight with me this weekend so he doesn’t have to get up early with his family. And neither will I! I do enjoy the sunrises I see, which are many as I’m an “early to bed, early to rise” person.

Linda said...

I don’t see many sunrises so I enjoy looking at yours!

podso said...

Beautiful sunrise shots! I can see your savoring these early morning rides together. We had snow here today!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Nothing like a sunrise~~

Information Friday

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