Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

With Such Beautiful Weather, I just Had To...

Repot my ficus tree into a larger pot, buy potting mix, buy some Ranunculus for potting, plant some seeds.

I found this potting soil at a local nursery, for the same price as the regular potting soil!  I was happy to purchase it.

 Doesn't it look nice?  The plants are happy to get their roots into it.

My ficus has been growing very well in this pot.  It even grew some new leaves over the winter.  (The dark grey pot in the background is its new home!)

This photo show some more new growth happening.

 Ficus can have trouble adjusting, but hopefully this one will be happy in its new home.

Our Speckled Sussex hens are the most curious and yesterday was no exception.  She kept coming up the stairs to see what I was doing.

Ranunculus are so pretty and are cold tolerant which is perfect for spring.

I planted them in the Ficus' old pot.

This is their new spot.  Corner of the deck close to the house.  Lots of sunshine, sheltered from west winds, and a bit of protection from cold temperatures due to the warmth of the house.

I am feeling for those of you still getting spring snows, rather than rains.  Hoping that sunshine and warmer temps are headed your way!


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Loved seeing your curious hen. Up the stairs like a grand dame. Your fiscus will be very happy in her new pot. It's starting to really be spring in your part of the world. Although the snow is mostly gone here, it's taking a gentle time warming up Things are just starting to poke through in the garden and trees are swelling with buds. Heard our first robin last night -- that's always a most welcome sound in Spring. In a week or two we should be in full throttle Spring. Wishing you a beautiful day! xox

Linda said...

Spring has sprung at your place! Dean put in a garden for Sherry a few weeks ago and they have tiny zucchini growing nicely. He gave his dad a few tomato plants and now LouisDean is trying to figure out how to make a cage to grow them in so the horses won’t nibble on the plants!
Even the bag of your new organic soil is pretty!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Love this post!

Theresa said...

Well, I will have to research that plant... ranunculas? Never heard of it but it sure is pretty. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

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