Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Family Reunion

We headed down to Florida last Tuesday night.  We drove overnight as it is Tim's favored time to drive I95.  It went well, stopping for fuel, bathroom breaks and a short nap or two.  We arrived mid-morning and after short naps we proceeded to get settled in at our friends' home.  

For dinner, we went to get some Mexican food.

 Our friends Rick and Jane, who housed us all.

We then went over to Tim's moms'  house to say hi.  At 97 years old she has short term memory loss dementia.  You can tell by the photos on the wall that we try to keep the family in her view daily.

On Thursday, Tim and Kyle and Kamryn, went to his sisters house to pick up our great niece (who is Kamryn's age), and his nephew Andrew (who is Nate's age and a missionary in Chad).  They went to the beach, and Sarah, Jane, and I went to The Windsor Rose Tea Shop in Mt. Dora, Florida.  I first heard about The Windsor Rose in Victoria magazine many years ago.  We've been going ever since then, when we are in Florida.  It's only about 30 minutes from where we usually visit.

Friday, Emma, Vinnie, and the kids arrived, and we went out to a go cart place.  I hung out with my grandson Clark, while they all go carted.

 The weather was so great while we were in Florida, really warm and sunny and no humidity.

For dinner we went to the Mellow Mushroom for pizza.

 We enjoyed our time with them, since we don't get to see them in person very often. 

Saturday was reunion day.  We were originally going to go to Kelly Park to tube in the springs, but a call from them changed our plans.  Apparently there was alligator activity in the springs and the water was off limits for three days.  So we settled for the beach.

This isn't the whole family.  One of Tim's sisters' couldn't make it until this next weekend, so the rest of the family will have another beach day together.  We couldn't go that weekend because it's my dad's 80th birthday.  Also missing from this photo are Nate, Kayleigh and Klaire, Lindsay and Joseph, Rachel, our niece Melissa, her husband Geoff and their boys, and another niece Nicole.  So picture 14 more people in this photo!

When you have family out of the country for years at a time, and people living in different states, its hard to get together.  We are glad for the time we had with the group that was able to be there when we, and Emma and Vinnie could be together!

We got home safely yesterday, and are back to our regular schedule. Sarah's at work, so is Tim and Kyle is helping him today.  We are already unpacked, but the suitcases need to go downstairs, and I need to sort through the mail.  Then I am working on my dad's birthday party plans.  He'll be 80 on Sunday.

I'm glad to be home.


Estelle's said...

I never know who all the people are that you mention, but there is nothing better than the beach and spending time with family! I had to giggle when y'all wanted mexican food in Florida....I'll bet there is great local seafood restaurant nearby! Sounds like you had lots of kiddos and a great time!

Vee said...

It is such an effort to be together, yet so worth it all. I really have looked closely at all the photos and the one that catches me right in the heart is the one of Tim and his mom. So precious. I’m glad that you chose the beach...such a great place to be together enjoying one another and God’s world.

Theresa said...

OH what a wonderful place to have a family reunion! I know you all had a great time! Beautiful family picture! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

It is wonderful that you were able to gather with so many of your loved ones . . . and it looks like you packed a lot of together time into those days!! Like Vee, I lingered over the photo of Tim with his mom.

(Alligator activity?!! Yikes!!)

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