Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Drive By Houses

Do you ever drive a certain way so that you can see a house you like?  I do!  Besides the fact that if I drive the same route over and over (like when I take Sarah to work) I get bored, so I have to find new routes.  

Melissa from The Inspired Room  used to do 'drive bys' of houses or neighborhoods she liked.  So I decided to do that and share two houses, in different styles that I like very much.  They are on the same road surrounded by farmland, here in Lancaster County.

The first one reminds me of a colonial farmhouse, and has a bit of a New England feel to it.
 I always think I'd love to see inside, but then are afraid I'd be disappointed!  What if it looked modern inside, or had purple walls in a bedroom?!  Those things are fine, but not in this house! Right?  So, I just drive by and enjoy the way this house delights me.

The next home is the home of a pretty well known decor blogger.  14 years ago she spoke at a ladies retreat I attended before she or I began to blog.  I do not know her, really, but I like the look of her house!

And because of her blogging, I know what the inside of her house is like.  Its a bit of a mix between farmhouse and traditional.

So, do any of you do drive bys?  Are Melissa and I the only ones who do this?  Tell me about it in the comments!

We're off on our get away this evening, so I'll be back here next week.  Of course, I'll post on Instagram and keep up with most of you there, too!


Vee said...

Are you not sharing the blogger? I’d love to see the inside of both homes. It’s why I like to be the passenger on a twilight drive before folks shut the shades. ☺️ Don’t tell anyone. Yes, I can see the New England flavor of the first home. What would totally tip it would be an attached barn.

Lisa said...

Im guessing... but is the 2nd picture of Stonegable?? I love her blog................... and I love doing drive bys too!!! :)

Cheryl said...

I love drive-bys!! The girls and I go out and get coffee and sip while we drive. So much fun! Of course, we have great conversations while we drive. (I am getting sniffly as I contemplate drive-bys without Kati. We'd better get another one in SOON!)

That first house gives me all the feels!! (I, too, would be afraid to peek in. We are so much alike.)

e l i z a b e t h ♡ said...

Oh, we do that too. It's one of our favorite things..especially with a little treat in hand and getting to chat whilst we admire the beauty outside our car windows. There's a little village-like area downtown on the river that has the most unique looking homes...styles and colors that only work on the water, you know. We love going through there several times of year, and Christmas is an absolute must! The lights and decorations are outstanding.

We also recently discovered a neighborhood right near our home and it has the most beautiful winding, hilly roads with trees everywhere. The houses are cute as well, especially a cottage looking one that is especially lovely. After moving to this area of town ten months ago, we're still discovering new places that are becoming fast favorites.

Karen said...

Oh you are so right , about not really wanting to see the inside for fear of disappointment !! I drove by a beautiful old farmhouse for nearly 15 years , MY DREAM HOUSE !! and then it came up for sale ...and they had an open house.....and I went ......Shock and awe , not in a good way . Now I seldom even glance at it as I drive by several times a week , although sometimes I do , and shake my head and sigh sadly . The worst part was they had designed a FULL bathroom completely OPEN to 2 flights of stairs and to the 3rd floor office/ playroom .

Theresa said...

I do love looking at houses and wondering who lives there. Enjoy your getaway and I look forward to hearing all about it. HUGS!

Rebecca said...

Love drive walkbys even better! Can take in even more details!😀

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