We are just peaking in our autumn color here at the cottage. Every drive I take shows this to be true of our whole area. Nearly every tree, shrub, and plant is full of beautiful color!
It was so beautiful yesterday, that Kyle and I headed outside to read history.
Here was my view -
Today we have grey skies, but the trees are stunning...

Are you enjoying Autumn? I know for some of you the leaves have changed and fallen already. For some, the leaves are just beginning to change and your weather has finally cooled. Whatever your situation, I hope you are finding time, to get cozy, light a candle or diffuse some oils, read a book, watch a movie all snuggled up. Let's allow ourselves the chance to embrace a slower pace of life during this season.
Your photos are just gorgeous! Our trees are all bare now, and this morning when I got up it was only 11 degrees outside! I think winter has come to Idaho... :0(
Sickness sometimes forces you to slow down, so I am accepting this yucky cold as His gift. As I sit here in my living room, I am facing the picture window through which I can see the changing leaves of the oak tree and the hedge and the burnished blooms of the hydrangea . . . all so beautiful! I lit a pumpkin candle earlier and I am soaking up autumn!
It’s beautiful there! Glad that you get outside for lessons. It is such a beautiful time if year and it is good to get out for fresh air and beauty. Autumn Tea outside would be lovely, too! It’s been a rainy week here, which does make the colors pop.
Beautiful fall photos and colors. Ours is just starting to come, and the weather is turning cooler. A truly wonderful time of year.
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