Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Happy Birthday to my Mother in Law!  She's 98 years old today!

She is going for 100!

She has lived an active and interesting life.  You can read about some of it {here}.  In the last seven years or so, she has been dealing with sort term memory loss, and has had several strokes.  God continues to keep her in his gentle arms, and has purpose for her life.  She still reads her bible everyday.

We'll call her later to wish her a happy birthday!

We love you Mom, and are thankful for you!


Jan said...

Happy Birthday to your mother-in-law! Mine will be 93 in a few weeks. She still lives by herself, though a nurse comes out a few times a week to help with her bath, etc. She has great difficulty getting around. My husband's brother and sister live near her and they and their spouses are so good to visit and take of things. She has been such a blessing to us and such a good example for me of what a mother-in-law should be!

Vee said...

God bless her and a very Happy Birthday to her. What an achievement!

Dawn E. Brown said...

What a beautiful woman of God.Thank you for sharing.Blessings,Dawn E.Brown

Cheryl said...

Happiest of birthdays to this faithful servant!! ❤

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday to your MIL! What a pretty lady! Reading the Bible is a wonderful way to spend the day. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Kim said...

God Bless her and Happy Birthday!!

Tea and Friendship

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