Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 14, 2019

I Arrived Home To Something Happening In The House!

An interesting thing about the above photos is they were all taken this morning, and its the same room.  The light coming in through windows and doors makes a huge difference in how the paint color looks!

Everything is off the walls and most of that is being stored in my bedroom! (good thing it is a very large room!)

Tim got the painting project started while I was gone!  I think they hoped to be done before I got home yesterday, but the ceiling is done and now just to paint the walls.  Oh, and my talented son Nate fixed some drywall issues we were having!  I'm so grateful!

Hopefully painting the walls can get finished in the next day or so, and then I get to decide whether I'm going to put it all back the way it was or change it up!  I think that's fun!

I had a sweet time in Nashville.  Spent a lot of time with my grandbabies, enjoyed time with my Emma, and had some laughs with my son in law!  You can't ask for more than that!  Clark was sick while I was there with croup and a double ear infection!  Poor kid!  But he's a hearty one, and you hardly knew he was sick.

Isla had her third birthday on Thursday and Emma and I made her cake, with Isla's help.  It was special to be with her for her birthday.

The flight to Nashville from Harrisburg was an hour and twenty nine minutes, and my return flight was an hour and fifteen minutes.  I'm so thankful to have been able to fly, rather than a 12 hour drive!

I'm hitting the ground running here.  Sarah's been sick and she has an audition for her performing arts academy tomorrow evening.  They are doing Beauty and the Beast in the spring!  Please pray for her, will you?


Vee said...

Yay for having a good visit with Emma and her family. Her children are adorable.

Yay for returning home and finding things happening. (I once returned home to find a flight of stairs in my kitchen. It was kind of cool.)

All the best with the painting project. You’re going to have some fun getting things back in order when the job is done.

Hope that Sarah is feeling lots better. 🙏🏼

Barb said...

It's so funny how the light changes the color...that's why I love color! My living room is painted a color called, Buckskin. It sounds dark, but it's a very soft, golden tan color. Depending on the time of day, it can be very sold gold, or very dark buckskin. Painting a room is always a good change, enjoy it! Time with family and grandchildren is always time well spent! Adorable little Grand! Looks like you enjoyed yourself!

Cheryl said...

What an exciting surprise to greet you at home!! Fresh paint on the walls is such a thrill, isn't it?! Can't wait to see your great room when it's all finished!! I am wondering if you'll change things around. (I have my guess.)

I am so happy for you that you were able to spend the week with Emma and family. Little grands change so fast! I am sorry that Clark was under the weather, but I'm sure you enjoyed some wonderful bonding time. They are such adorable children!!

Saying a prayer for Sarah . . .

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

The paint on my kitchen cabinets goes from a buttercream to a bright yellow, according to the sunlight! That cake was amazing. I saw the photo either on IG or Facebook (or both?) and thought it a perfect birthday cake for a little girl.

Sherry said...

now that's a cake!! ♥ yUm!
hoping sarah is feeling so much better - i'm reading this late
but praying nevertheless. hugs. so thankful you were able
to spend sweet time with your daughter and her hubs
and littles. special times.

Kim said...

I hope Sarah is feeling better. We've been there, it's always so frustrating, sickness seems to show up as soon as an audition is scheduled. Murphy's Law! The place looks great. Our house needs a paint job,'s been almost 20 years in most rooms. Yikes. Too long!! Enjoy your new view!

Rebecca said...

Your time away sounds delightful! I'm guessing by now your room looks MUH different! Hope all are recovered and well...

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...