Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday Five

I've had whirlwind week after being away last week, but I wanted to share these photos with you.

1. Clark - he's rough and tumble, falls down and bounces right back up.  Hits his forehead alot. (grin)  He's so fun and I loved having time with him last week.

2. Isla got her ears pierced for her 3rd birthday.  Unfortunately, they could only do one ear at a time, so after the first, she didn't want to do the second one.  But in time she was okay and both ears are done and she loves them!

Sarah auditioned on Tuesday for her performing arts academy's spring musical, Beauty and the Beast.  She did great.  I wasn't able to be in when she auditioned, but when she was working with her coaches, Jaime and Paul, I took this photo.  

3. I love stacks of pumpkins!  So cute.  Our local produce place has lots of pumpkins for sale!

5. Our neighbors' oak tree is losing leaves and even though we'll end up with a million leaves in our yard, I just love the beauty of the differing colors!

Tomorrow we'll be finishing the painting here in the living room kitchen, and then I get to have fun figuring out where I want to put every thing!  Frankly, I'll be happy to have the painting done.  This is a job no one likes, Tim says its a necessary evil.  I don't really mind it, but I'm not good up and down ladders to cut in anymore, but I'm good with a roller! 

Have a great weekend, friends!


Cheryl said...

What a delightful "Five"! Oh, those grandbabies are adorable! I know you had a glorious time being with them last week! Love the stack of pumpkins. And I am happy with you that your painting is nearly done. That is a big job and it's always a relief to have a big job done . . . but oh, what a difference a coat of fresh paint makes! Can't wait to see your freshened up room!

Barb said...

What a cute little grand!! Pumpkins always make me smile, especially if they are stacked up. I especially love the pumpkins that are all lop-sides, kind of remind of at a, Charlie Brown tree!

Painting is a necessary evil, and I have two rooms to do! Can't wait to see it when it's finished, I'm sure it will be beautiful!!

Lorrie said...

Clark is such a cutie pie! Pumpkins are such cheerful looking vegetables. They make me smile. Hope you enjoy getting re-settled into your kitchen.

Theresa said...

What a cutie! Little ones just fall and get right back up, we can learn a lot from them:) Love the pumpkins and falling leaves. Painting makes a mess but it is so nice to have a fresh coat of paint. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...