Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

This And That

Yesterday I had the unexpected pleasure of meeting up with Tim and running a work errand with him. One on one time is rare and we enjoyed it. We ate out, on the way home, at a small restaurant in Bryn Mawr called Xolo Tacos.

It was a very nice restaurant and the food was good.

Sarah and I have been busy navigating the Academy for the Performing Arts.  Sometimes with their communication, it is written like everyone knows what is being talked about but new families do not know!  We've had to scramble a few times!  That makes for some stress on mine and Sarah's part.

However, it is fun for her to be taking acting class, a dance class and a choir class.  In addition to their Christmas and Spring concerts, today Sarah is going to work with a coach to help her prepare for auditioning for their musical which is Beauty and the Beast!  She's excited and nervous and anxious, but working with her coach will help her know she's properly prepared.  Today will be picking a song to sing for her audition!  

As Colourful,Zany,And Full Of Fun Is This Cute Cake With Tons Of Fireworks! Happy Birthday To You,Sweetie Pie!!!!!-Divalousity .

I have birthday preps to do for Klaire and Kayleigh whose birthdays will be while I am away next week. This way Tim can just give them their gifts on the appropriate day! {grin}

I'm going to be hosting a once a month gathering in my home for ladies from my church to discuss Sally and Sarah Clarkson's book The Life Giving Home.'  I'm really excited by this opportunity to talk about how we can use our homes to be a place of welcome and encouragement.  To allow our families to grow in grace there but also to be a place of grace for others who come into our home!

There are seven ladies signed up and we have various ages signed up too, which really makes me happy!  If you don't mind, would you pray for this group of ladies and myself?  I'll be sure to tell you how it's going.

I really should get a moving now.  I hope you have a wonderful day friends!


Vee said...

Exciting times for Sarah! So glad for the time you had with Tim. That sounded like fun. Hopefully, he’ll invite you along for another work errand. (I used to like going with John on those kinds of errands and with him on plowing missions.)

You are the perfect one to host ladies as you discuss any Sally Clarkson/Sarah Clarkson book. I will pray that the group stays small enough to be an effective discussion group and that it will be a great blessing to all who attend.

Kim said...

What a treat to see your husband during the middle of the day! You have to take advantage of those sweet moments.

Sandi said...

Yum...those chips!

Barb said...

So happy that you were able to spend time alone with your husband, precious memories...and good food, it sounded like fun!

Auditioning is always so stressful, but so worth the time! Such a great opportunity to build confidence, and have fun at the same time.

I'll bet you are the perfect hostess, and the book sounds delightful!! I will keep you and your ladies in my prayers.

Cheryl said...

Sounds like a fun meetup with your hubby! (Tim-and-Tacos for the win!)

I'd love to join your ladies book study. I am sure that you all will learn so much together!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...