Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 26, 2020

Let's Chat


some of the petals from my roses

How was your weekend?

Ours was quiet. Tim and I ran an errand together on Saturday that required a bit of a drive and we took the scenic route.  It's beautiful around here right now.

Then he and Kyle went and mowed at our friends' house.  They have some health issues and we live closer than any of their grown kids, so Tim and Kyle take care of it for them.  They also dealt with the part of the tree along our creek that came down in a big storm this summer.  

I made an English apple pie, and made chicken and rice for dinner.  

Yesterday, Tim and I went to lunch, Kyle preferred to stay home and make some pizza rolls. Ha! Teenagers!  Tim said its weird that we can now go out to lunch on a Sunday and its like a date! Ha! Men!

He is right, though.  Changing times.

We are a week away from our election (thankfully) and things have taken a weird turn.  Apparently a group of Chinese who oppose the CCP have started to release videos and photos from H. Biden's hard drive.  They want to show how the CCP gets blackmail on world leaders and then control them.  I've wondered why the Biden family would allow Joe to be humiliated.  Its got to be hard to see him struggling with dementia, and yet keep promoting him.  Everyone knows that if he were to win, it wouldn't be 6 months before they were replacing him.  Yesterday they announced that win 9 days to the election he was calling a lid.  That means no appearances or interviews.  This is unprecedented. Who goes into hiding with a week before the election?  (Also unprecedented is the media's refusal to cover any of the scandal to protect a candidate.  They certainly were willing to use false things to try to take down the current president.)

I think big things are brewing and I don't think its going to be good.  Can a political party change their candidate with a week to go?  What about all the people who have already voted for Joe?  Would their votes automatically go to the new candidate?  Who knows what is going to happen.  It's like a movie.  

Ah, let's get back to nicer things.

Some trees in our area are just past their peak, but my maples in the front garden are still just getting their color.  November should be beautiful.

Our trees along our property line and in our back pasture are really beautiful right now.  The maples along the creek, are looking beautiful also.   We've had beautiful mild weather this autumn and in the last week we've had rain off and on, so the grass is still green.

Oh, and do you remember me telling you about my chickens scratching up the zinnias?  They did, but the zinnias took root among some other plants that are now trimmed back for the winter, and I have three zinnias plants in bloom!  That's life with chickens. 

The week ahead is going to be interesting.  I wouldn't be surprised if we see an unexpected death, a replacement candidate, social media shutting things down.  Free speech is already over on social media.  

I continue to pray, to trust, and to try to be a light shining to point the way.  Eternity is what really matters.  I think these things that are coming out are showing the darkness and evil that has flourished for too many years, and I'm not talking about politics, though many politicians on both sides are involved.

Solomon said in Ecclesiastes that "there is nothing new under the sun," and that is true. We need revival around the world. I'm praying for it, are you?


Barb said...

Hi Deanna~

Gorgeous photos, I just love to see your part of the world! Our colors are done here in Idaho, we are just waiting for all the leaves to fall off so we can rake and sweep them up before we get more snow - we got some on Saturday night. We are still not going to church, the numbers are really high in our area, so virtual is what we do, it seems to work for now.

I too am worried about the elections. We have been counseled to be prepared for some not so good things to happen. Who knows what, but I'm sure it will be something. Our world is in such a terrible state right now, I guess all we can do is stay vigilant, keep praying for our country and keep our eye on eternity. God is at the helm.

Happy Monday!


Vee said...

Oh my! Your chicken gardeners are a riot! 😁 Enjoy the zinnias!

Yes, excellent time, as always, to be in prayer for our country. Seems as if the Biden family is in a world of trouble and that the running mate, whose husband has already proclaimed her president, would step in. Ugh.

Enjoy the beautiful foliage...

Chy said...

Hi Deanna. I love your blog and love your posts. Today I'm wondering if you can share with me any info on Joe Biden having dementia. I'm in Canada but following the U.S. politics with great interest and I find him professional, solid and authentic. But maybe I'm missing something. Please help me understand. I can't vote but am trying to piece together how this is all flowing. Thank you for your time. Chy

Mrs.T said...

Most of our beautiful fall foliage is gone and it's turned cold and rainy. However, no complaints, because we need rain badly, and also, our foliage season lasted for a good month or more. It was more vibrant and much longer lasting than usual. To me it was just another way God is pointing men to Him.

In our area, we had many more rainbows than usual this summer, and the night skies have been exceptionally beautiful. Now we have the "blue moon" coming up on Saturday. I really believe that God is reminding us as believers that He is in control, and we need to look to Him. (And maybe it's a good reminder to keep an eye on the sky as well!)

Yes, we too continue to pray, to trust, and to try and be a light to our friends who don't yet know the Lord. I'm praying for revival also.

I am with you in feeling that the week ahead could be very, very interesting indeed. The President was in our state yesterday and thousands attended the rally. Our state's largest newspaper (which used to be conservative, but has just endorsed Biden) reported that "over a thousand" attended. Not too accurate! Our subscription to that local daily newspaper is going to be history at our house as we're not renewing. It's just become too slanted. Do you read The Epoch Times? We subscribed and are enjoying it very much.

Oh, and yay for your zinnias! So happy that some survived the chicken onslaught and are still blooming!

Theresa said...

We are in troubling times and I am joining you and the others in prayer. I pray for the years ahead for our children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren. We are in our older years and we aren't worried about ourselves but the future for the next generations.

Your leaves are so pretty and that little red building is precious! We have been on the road a good bit lately and it is good to be back home enjoying my morning coffee. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...