Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 29, 2021

Courage, Dear Heart


“But no one except Lucy knew that as it circled the mast it had whispered to her, "Courage, dear heart," and the voice, she felt sure, was Aslan's, and with the voice a delicious smell breathed in her face.”

― C.S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God will be with you where ever you go." 

There are a lot of interesting things happening.

1. The world has awoken to the fact that an elite group of people run the world.

2. In the US we've learned that fraud can and does happen in an election, and that they are not fair or free.  Our votes can be switched, by machine, from who we voted for to the other candidate. They can bring in fake ballots too, and even though there is video evidence, tech evidence, signed affidavit testimonies the media silenced it all. Censored people on social media, the msm just kept saying there was no fraud, etc.

3. We then saw that the courts are corrupt.  It wasn't that the lawsuits came to court, showed their 'evidence' and then a judge decided that there was no merit to the case. No, it was decided that these cases would not be 'heard' in court because they had no standing! The courts did not want the cases to be heard because evidence would have been allowed to be presented and it would be in official records.

4. We then learned that many in our government were also corrupt.  They would not allow the objectors to certain states EC votes to show the evidence of the fraud and election stealing that had gone on. Why? Why not hear it and decide? Because it would have been show to everyone watching, and it would be officially in the congressional record!  

5. Did you know that there were state legislators that wrote to the congress asking them to NOT certify the election? My state was one of them.  The state legislators were bypassed by corrupt officials in our state. They were trying to get their state votes back to change them.

6. We've now seen that Wall Street is corrupt.  They play the system but when regular people begin to play by the elite rules, the elite use their influence, just as they did with social media, and get the regular people shut down.  They can make millions, but you cannot.

That last bit is regarding what's happening currently with Wall Street.  

The people are wide awake now.  Before we were distracted by the 'circuses.' We distracted by entertainments, and sports, and other things, and not paying attention to the fact that the ruling class was taxing us to death, and doing things that didn't benefit us.

They use false flags to distract and make us afraid, so we allow more and more freedoms to be taken from us "to protect us."

I'm writing this post because its what's on my heart and so many of you seem to be in the same place. I'm writing because I feel like something new is happening. People around the world have awoken, too.

Be of good courage my friends, and pray. God is always with us, if he feels far away its because we've moved, not him.  We may see some scary things, but do not be afraid. We need to have the truths come out, and we need to really see it for what it is, and help others to see it, too.

My advice is that we pray, love our neighbors, help each other, take care of our families. 

Ephesians 6:10-18

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.  Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,  and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.  In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;  and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,  praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A Couple of Interesting Videos

JB has dementia, which was evident all through the campaign.  Here he can't get his pen into his suit pocket. The pen he needs to use to sign the EO.

He often uses an ear piece for prompts of what to do or say. Here he must hear someone tell him to 'salute the marines.' He says it rather than does it.  

JB has been in DC a long time. He was VP. He knows the drill, except now at 78 (he'll be 79 this year) he is in cognitive decline.

Did you know he is older than all the former Presidents other than Carter?

Interesting things happening, daily.  Just thought I'd share a few things with you today.

We always pray for our nations leaders whether we voted for them or not.  We pray for God's wisdom, we pray they will do good for all the citizens of our nation. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Books For A Real Education - History


"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." (attributed to George Santayana)

I didn't enjoy history in school. We used textbooks that gave you information that they wanted you to learn and at the end of the sections you had to answer the questions. It wasn't hard it just was...boring.

As I became an adult I began to read biographies, and historical fiction and that lead me to an interest and love of history.  Its one I've tried to pass on to my kids. 

Over the many years that I have been a home educator, we have used many books for history. But we did not use traditional textbooks.  We used living books (ones that were written by someone who lived through the 'history'), biographies, autobiographies, historical fiction, and some other enjoyable histories.

Some of my favorites have been the books written by Genevieve Foster, and my Richard Mayberry. 

Genevieve Foster teaches history through a specific time period such as 'The World of Columbus and Sons,' 'George Washington's World,' 'Caesar August's World,' and several others.  She touches on history happening around the world through the time period of Washington or Caesar's lifetime.  It's really interesting.

The books by Richard Mayberry have been more challenging for me personally.  The idea that we should not be involved in foreign wars was well, foreign to me. Mayberry is not anti-military, he is for a strong domestic defense, as the preamble to the constitution says, "Provide for the common defense."  What he is against is our involvement in Europe's long standing and continual wars with each other, and so was George Washington. 

The interesting thing we learned from Foster's books is how tied together the royal families of Europe are. They all intermarried their children to each other.  For instance did you know that Catherine of Aragon, King Henry the VIII's first wife, was the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain? Her Spanish name is Catalina. Catherine was first married very young to Arthur, the Prince of Wales at age 15. He died the next year, and several years later married Henry. 

Catherine's siblings were married to other royals as were the Dutch royals, German royals and more. Queen Victoria married Prince Albert who was her first cousin. Their parents were siblings. Victoria and Albert married their children into all the royal houses of Europe, too.  World War I ended up being a war between cousins.


King George V

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Tsar Nicholas II

History can be rather interesting, and challenging.  We have long wondered here in our family, how our nation could even lean toward socialism and communism after the failures of these types of governments all around the world.

It's happened because of the education system moving away from teaching history, and teaching social studies instead.

Because after all, if people don't know history, they'll be doomed to repeat it.  This goes for the histories of all nations.  No nation is perfect or without its bad choices.  We should look governments in the eyes and demand better of them.

For a good read on what the founders did for us with having the US be a Republic, Eric Metaxas' book, 'If You Can Keep It' is excellent!

I'm just going to finish with this tidbit. DJT is the first president in a very long time, who did not participate in any wars, he actually brought our troops home from many countries. I appreciate that.

Monday, January 25, 2021



I did end up going to Hobby Lobby on Friday and getting some knew yarn. I'm enjoying working on this simple knit hat with this beautiful varigated yarn in blues, greys, and white.  

Our weekend was a very good one. This past year, my extroverted-ness really struggled, at times, due to not being able to be with friends.

On Saturday Tim, Kyle, and Nate helped Lindsay and Joseph move into their house! Here is a photo from the listing. It's a small house, so the open floor plan in the main living area is great. That conservatory room is perfect for my daughter who is a plant lover.

Saturday evening, we were invited to our sweet friends' home. We hadn't been together for nearly a year. 

Sunday we went to church and then home to eat lunch with Wes and Rachel and our friend Denny, and our grandgirls who go to church with us every week.

In the evening we were invited to the home of friends from church. They farm and in one of their outbuildings they have a gathering room. We had a potluck dinner together and got to know another couple from church, who we didn't know well.  We had a really good time.

This weekend filled my cup of friendship and of hope. Your emails and comments were a blessing to me from my Friday post.  

This week we don't have a lot going on.  We are in the slow period of work in Tim's profession, but are praying for some work. Kyle and I will be finishing up his science curriculum this week or next. 

Be of good courage, friends.  God is with us.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday Five - Past Knitting Projects

 I am going grocery shopping today, and I may pop in to Hobby Lobby for some yarn.  My mom wants a new knit hat, and I need to keep my hands busy.

I came across this quote which I shared years ago, and I still find it to be good encouragement.

"To live content with small means;
To seek elegance rather than luxury,
and refinement rather than fashion;
To be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich;
To study hard, think quietly,
Talk gently,
Act frankly;
To listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages,
with open heart;
To bear all cheerfully,
Do all bravely,
Await occasions,
Hurry never.
In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious,
grow up through the common.
This is to be my symphony."
William Henry Channing

From my devotional (New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp) on January 20th - 

"Hope is not a situation. Hope is not a location. Hope is not a possession. Hope is not an experience. Hope is more than an insight or a truism. Hope is a person, and his name is Jesus! He comes to you and makes a commitment of hope: "And Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matt 28:20) Now, there's hope. You have something profoundly deeper to hold on to than the hope that people will be nice to you, that your job will work out, that you will make good choices when tempted, that you'll be smart enough to make good decisions, that you'll be able to avoid poverty or sickness, or that you'll have a good place to live and enough to eat. No, this is eternal and deeply personal hope. It rests in the truth that Jesus has wrapped his powerful arms around you and he will never, ever let you go. If nothing you envisioned ever works out and all the bad things that you've dreaded come your way, you still have hope, because his is with you in power and grace."

I wish you all a lovely weekend.  

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Cozy Winter Bedroom

 There is nothing I like better in the winter than to climb into a warm and cozy bed at night!  The key for me is in the layering for warmth, but also of texture and interest.

The first three photos are from my own bedroom in the past few years, and then ideas from Pinterest.

In each of the photos you can see layers of bedding, differing patterns, lots of pillows, quilts, comforters.  All of them, regardless of style, say cozy to me.

What is says cozy to you?  

ps - if you are a regular commenter here and would like to talk about the electi*n, leave me a comment.  In the comment leave me your email address so that I can respond to you. I have some thoughts but will not be putting them on the blog at this time. Thanks!  If I don't recognize you as a regular commenter, then I will not respond to you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Living Room Bookcase


I decided to bring the bookcase back out into the living room. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do here. The mirror is too low for how tall the bookcase is, so Tim will be raising that for me.  It's heavy and has to be hung with a special anchor.

I'll be sorting through all my books this year. (this is not our only bookcase!) Some books we've had since Bible School days, some are classics, some are favorites.  I have books on herbs, on natural remedies, biographies, home education, devotionals, Bibles.  I also have magazines, mostly Victoria, and a few other British Homes, or cottage type houses.  I love good historical fiction, too.  I recently bought a Grace Livingston Hill book, The Christmas Bride, at an antique store for $3.00.  I enjoyed reading that last week.  I have a few books I've never read, and some favorites that I've read more than once.

I use books in all of my decorating.  I have them in every room, except the bathrooms.  Kyle has his own collection of books in his room, as does Sarah.

This year, I am reading through a chronological Bible, which I've never done before. I'll be reading through OT books, like Numbers, which I haven't read since Bible School! {grin}

Do you own a lot of books?  Are there books that you can't depart with?  Favorite book of all time or favorite author of all time? Let me know in the comments!

Monday, January 18, 2021


 Thank you all for your kind comments on my blog Friday. I'm grateful for the community of encouragement that has found a home here.

We had a home weekend. I did tidying, and some cleaning.  Our sliding doors and the kitchen door get sweet hand prints from grands and muddy sliding paw prints from our cat, Watson, who paws at the doors letting us know he wants in or out! Those aren't so sweet.

Kamryn and Klaire spent the night Saturday, and our friend Luisa hung out with us for a few hours, too.  We ate tacos and played Mexican Train. It's a game we can all play together.  Klaire was on Grandpa's team.

Sunday was church, and a visit from our friend Denny. We ate Chicken Tortilla soup for lunch. I made the soup in the crock pot over night and it was good but not as good as when I make it on the stove top.  It was the texture of the chicken, I think. Everyone loved it and I do like the convenience of putting everything in at once and letting it cook over night.  So maybe I'll tweak it a bit and pre-cook the chicken and add it in later.  We'll see.

It's a beautiful morning here - 

As I look around the kitchen several things catch my eye. Kamryn's current read Charlotte's Web.  I love seeing her curled up in the chair reading.  She has struggled a bit with reading so it's great to see her enjoying books!

And the light and shadows caught my eye, too!

Today, Kyle and I get hack to our full regular schedule of school We are half way through our school year already.  We both enjoy a slow morning pace so now we have to discipline ourselves to get back into a schedule.

Our daughter Lindsay and her husband Joseph, are moving into their house this weekend! We are so excited for them.  

I hope you had a good weekend, too. We are continuing in prayer, here in our home, for our nation.  

Someone I follow on FB shared this from their friend and I thought it was excellent - 

“The media and the left never understood what this entire movement is all about. We did not become who we are because of Trump, we became who we are because of the Democrats and Republicans. We hated one side for their evil and the other side for their cowardice and lack of integrity.
Trump just happened to be the one guy that represented us best and everyone from Reagan Democrats, Tea Party members, old school Conservatives, libertarians, and classic liberals gravitated to in droves.
The left and establishment Republicans think if they kill Trump, it will kill who we are but we were here before Trump and will only be stronger after him. His base grew from 63 million to 75 million.
The 4 years Trump was in office just proved how ineffective both parties are. These years proved there can be peace in the middle east and terrorism can be crushed without endless wars. These years proved that the American economy can be roaring, unemployment can be at virtually zero and wages can skyrocket if the government just unshackles it. These past years prove the southern border can be secured and immigration can be orderly and lawful.
Donald Trump has unmasked the deep state, showing a shadow government exists and agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and DOJ are not at all thrilled about elections or the will of the people.
THERE IS NO PUTTING THIS GENIE BACK IN THE BOTTLE. America has awakened. Between everything that happened the past 4 years and the events of this past disgraceful election, things will never be the same, and nor should they be."

Friday, January 15, 2021

Comments From Unknown

 When I started, on occasion to post, about the election, I began to receive comments from 'unknown.'  The first comment I simply deleted, but have since received seven other comments. I have received two other comments from people who don't like the president, one used their name, the other just used 'me.' All are no-reply commenters which means I can not email them back and have conversation. I am not interested in arguing with anyone. However, I would like to address a few issues that 'unknown' has mentioned.

Yes, I do know why they hate the President so much. Because he's a cruel, heartless, evil idiot. Put on your big girl panties and admit that Biden WON the election and he is our next President. A fair and square election not the imaginary hoax you claim it to be. There's no voter fraud, no sworn testimonies, no examinations of machines. Just you living in a fantasyland along with that evil, orange idiot that passes himself off as a human being. Can't wait until he's gone."

I'm not sure how you can have been on any social media or real news since November 3rd and not seen that their has been massive voter fraud in key states. One of those states in Pennsylvania. Our state legislature has been working hard to fight all along the way, but our governor, the state Secretary of the Commonwealth, and our state supreme court all have over ridden (against the commonwealths constitution btw) the legislature. 

This is not easy information to find online if you use g**gle, but a quick search on Duck, Duck Go and you find articles like this.

On my "Be Of Good Courage Post" {here} I got this comment - 

"Oh boy you have really showed your true racist colors on your blog and it's not even a little pretty. What an ignorant woman you turned out to be. if you have proof that this dictator wannabe stole the election maybe you can contact all the conservative judges and the conservative supreme court judges that tRump appointed who have thrown out his false claims because there is no proof. I'm sure they'd be glad to hear you have proof. Or maybe Brad Raffensperger who is also a republican. see where I'm going here? So far tRump has shown himself to be a coward by not resigning and Mike Pence has shown himself to be a coward by not invoking the 25th amendment against this fraud of a president. But have no fear Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the democrats have enough guts to get the job done and impeach this loser for a second time. I'm sure you'll be so very proud of him. Your president is the only president in the history of this country to be impeached twice. And rightly so since his band of insurrectionists were listening to what their cult leader was calling on them to do. What a disgrace this man(child) is. What a disgusting display on our capitol. So we find ourselves counting down the days until this monster is out of office and hopefully he will never be able to run for public office again. Good riddance to that entire shameful administration and his family of frauds. So please stop with the lies, you are embarrassing yourself. Enjoy spouting off your conspiracies and hate on Parler while you can as I'm sure it won't be around for long. And by the way, removing tRump from twitter was the best decision they ever made. We don't need to hear his hateful rhetoric a minute more. Thank you twitter. You have my permission to share my views."

Here is a comment from my post called Peace

"Peace eternal in a nation united. I so pray this for our nation as well. In one week we will have an administration that will work to unite our country and not divide us into black/white democrats/republicans as the current president has done for four years. As you well know by now the great divider in chief was impeached today for a 2nd time in his presidency. The only president in the history of our country to be impeached twice. He did not succeed in turning the election in his favor as he's been trying desperately to do since he lost in Nov. by sending his insurrectionists to try and take over the capitol. What a disgusting display from a bunch of racists. Thank you Nancy Pelosi for caring enough about our country to make sure this orange, bloated dictator wannabe didn't get away with it by impeaching him. She and the democrats and 10 very brave republicans made sure of that. Next we have a trial to make sure this evil, fraud is never allowed to run for any public office ever again and then we shall be free of this madman forever. Then we begin to heal our nation. But first he must pay. A trial and then strip him of all his presidential priviledges. So glad Twitter banned him permanently or else he'd be tweeting away about how unfair the democrats are like the sniveling coward we all know him to be never taking any blame. You have no one to blame but yourself for your 2 impeachments and your failed presidency. Sorry your attempted coup didn't work you sniveling coward and you're where you deserve to be. On your way OUT!!! Good riddance!!!"

{Here} is an article to read regarding the capitol on January 6th.  There has been more on Tw*tt*r and Insta, including video footage from Antif* who filmed their actions and posted them online. One man has now been arrested.  Also arrested is a left-wing activist who happens to be the son of a Brooklyn NY judge. {here}

I don't know why UNKNOWN keeps coming back to see what I've posted. Most of the comments are directed to the president and since he doesn't read my blog, he won't see them!  I would say go comment on his twitter page but he's been banned, but I think he has a Gab account so Unknown could go there and comment directly to him!

Blogger only gives three options for commenting - anyone (including anonymous commenters), g**gle users only, and members only.  That is not a lot of options. I use the g**gle users only option, as I am not interested in a private blog at this point, but it allows comments from spammers, and people like Unknown as long as they have g**gle accounts.

I use comment moderation because I don't like spam and I don't want to clutter up my blog with negative comments.

This blog is a place for Encouragement, Hospitality, and Friendship and those who want that can find it here. It is not a place of hatred or racism, or spiteful comments. 

I will not post any comments from this person again, but since I was not able to reply to this person in a private manner, I am taking this ONE post to address it.

Uknown, if you want to read about my latest knitting project, or furniture rearrangement, book I've read, or recipe I've made, then please feel free to visit my blog.  But if you just want to rail about the president, please take it elsewhere.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021



Tim and I spent a few days in the Gettysburg area.  It's been good to spend time together.  

This is the peace monument.  At the base it reads, 

"Peace Eternal In A Nation United"

I pray this for our nation.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Be Of Good Courage

Tim and I celebrated our anniversary on the second and we are headed out for a few days away later this afternoon. (this photo from a few years ago).

Sorry for disappearing last week. I didn't intend to do that, but I had a few sick days, and then with the mess in the capitol, I was taking in information and not really ready to put any words down here.

Last week we saw what happens when government has become about the ruling elite, and no longer about the people.  Sadly its been that way for a long time, we just now are really seeing it for what it's become. And we've had to be awakened but I believe 75 Million + have been awakened, and many around the world as well.

This season, since the election, has shown us who people really are, though if we have been paying attention many have been showing us for years.  We've all shook our heads and wondered how these people chosen for their 'conservative' values would vote the way they do, or make judgements the they have.  They all have been shown to be the same.

These are people who would sell our nation for their own financial gain, and what to be a part of globalism, not individual nation states. They are controlled by the central banking system, who needs wars to make money, and who use us as financial slaves.

The media is now only a propaganda machine, their ridiculous reporting on what happened at the capitol verses the cities that burned this summer, including DC, is shameful.

But what really saddens me is that many people I know are still listening to the msm propaganda machine.  They still think that what happened at the capitol was Tr*mp supporters only and they were trying to steal the election from B*den.  

I'm not going to try to lay it all out here.  Just know that last week, the final step was taken to steal the election from the person who really won, when you take the fraud away, but mostly from the people who voted for him.  I read an estimate that without the fraud, 80% of the people who voted in this election voted for the sitting President!  

They want us to think that the majority of Americans think like they do - after all that's what the media, h*llyw**d, politicians like to show, right?  We are to follow what they tell us.  We have been programmed to think in certain ways through the education system, and media in all forms.  We are supposed to follow sports stars, entertainers, talking heads because somehow "they know" the right way.

We opted out of all that following years ago.  We haven't had television for more than a dozen years. We've chosen which voices we listen to, and where we get our information.  Tim and I have been amazed at how clearly we see the propaganda now that we are not feed our daily dose of it.

I do think that the next week or so is going to show us some shocking things. I believe there are still those working to save our nation, because that is truly what is at stake.  Remember I said this wasn't about a four year election?

Keep praying, dear ones. Things may get scary, but I believe better days will be ahead of us.

Thank you to those who contacted me, and have stayed in touch. Gail, Vee, and Sherry you blessed me so much this past week and weekend.  I want to thank you dear friends, who though we don't all think alike, have formed a good friendship based on the things we do share.  

I'd like to encourage you to check out this {video} - It will explain a lot of what has been happening behind the scenes for years in our nation.

Also, you can find me on Gab, and Parler, and I am still on Instagram for now. I'd love to connect with you all there, as well as here.

If there is information to pass on, I surely will, even while I'm away.  

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

This Is About More Than A Four Year Election


If you don't want to hear my thoughts about the election and things happening regarding it, please feel free to skip this post.  I'm not offended in the least.  I know some of you do that already, and that's really fine. 

I do have an "unknown" commenter who comments everytime I mention the election, even if I just say I'm praying about it.  I find this fascinating that this "unknown" person would take the time to comment only on posts about the election and only talks about the president. Feel free to pass this post by "uknown."

As my post is titled, I truly believe that this election is about more than just a re-election of a president.  These last four years have awakened many people to the depths of corruption that has been hidden for many years.

This election has shown that their is plenty of evidence for voter fraud, {here} is a link to an article about my state only.  In Georgia 93.67% of ballots had issues being counted and had to be adjudicated.  How can this be possible?  That's almost 100%!

If we can't trust our election process to be fair then we are done as a nation.

We've seen this year, that the ruling elite don't care about us, that we are mere revenue streams for them (through our taxes), that when we send foreign aid to other countries that money often gets filtered back to politicians and others (money laundering). 

 We have wondered for years why certain politicians or judges, or other elites seem to get away with criminal activities. These last few years we've found out - it's because they are all complicit.  Many have been blackmailed. 

There is a group of people who have been waking Americans (and other peoples) up, making us aware of the trafficking, and evil that has happened for many years.  I believe that this group of people is trying to save our nation, and in a sense the world, from the darkness of evil.

They also want to give the nation back to the people. They've reminded us that we are not slaves to politicians, they work for us.  

There is more I can say, but I will end by asking you to consider some of the things I've said, and do the research.  Try Duck, Duck Go or Ecosia as a search engine. Don't look to the Legacy Media to give you truth. They have been only espousing their own beliefs for many years.

These next few weeks are going to be pretty shocking, I think.  I believe information about people will come out (and its already coming out) that will be very hard to hear. 

This is not just about getting DJT a second term. It's about saving America. Have you seen the rallies this year around the world for Trump and America?  I have, and I've heard the people saying if America falls the whole world falls.

Keep praying friends.

If you're interested in the anonymous comments I've received I'd be happy to share them with you privately.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!



We had a quiet New Year's Eve. The four of us ate homemade cheeseburgers and fries and watched the last Christmas episode of Downtown Abbey, then we did our own thing for a while and then watched the live action Mulan.

Pretty exciting stuff! LOL.

It suited us, as several of us have colds/sinus issues and an evening with good food, hanging out together, and watching a few movies was good.

I'm praying that 2021 will be a good year and that people will continue to awaken to the state of the world.  I, personally, have never been more aware of the needs of people and the pain caused by the enemy of our souls, as I am these days.

One thing I know for sure is that if God will never leave us, nor forsake us. He always prepares us for what he has prepared for us. We can trust him and look to him for strength and goodness.

Happy New Year friends!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...