Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Living Room Bookcase


I decided to bring the bookcase back out into the living room. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do here. The mirror is too low for how tall the bookcase is, so Tim will be raising that for me.  It's heavy and has to be hung with a special anchor.

I'll be sorting through all my books this year. (this is not our only bookcase!) Some books we've had since Bible School days, some are classics, some are favorites.  I have books on herbs, on natural remedies, biographies, home education, devotionals, Bibles.  I also have magazines, mostly Victoria, and a few other British Homes, or cottage type houses.  I love good historical fiction, too.  I recently bought a Grace Livingston Hill book, The Christmas Bride, at an antique store for $3.00.  I enjoyed reading that last week.  I have a few books I've never read, and some favorites that I've read more than once.

I use books in all of my decorating.  I have them in every room, except the bathrooms.  Kyle has his own collection of books in his room, as does Sarah.

This year, I am reading through a chronological Bible, which I've never done before. I'll be reading through OT books, like Numbers, which I haven't read since Bible School! {grin}

Do you own a lot of books?  Are there books that you can't depart with?  Favorite book of all time or favorite author of all time? Let me know in the comments!


Cheryl said...

I love books and book talk . . . and book decorating too! There are so many books that I cannot part with, even though my homeschooling days have ended. When the grands borrow them, that makes me happy.

I have a couple of new Christmas books that are on my to-read list: The Nazarene by Michael Card and a memoir called When Time Stopped.

Vee said...

Well I really like the look and the mirror just as it is. (Maybe I can save Tim the headache.) Wonder what others will say ???

A good bookcase is a great decor piece and one can't go wrong with books imho.

Last year was my year to read through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Not that it made me some wonderful person, I just wanted to do it. Sure took me long enough. Now I am reading through the NT again. I will probably give the OT some space, especially, those depressing prophets. Ha! Course, I am reading Psalms daily.

GrammaGrits said...

I, too, like the mirror as is above the book case. Yes, I have lots of books. Go through them ever couple of years but still have collections I can't part with and have read some of them multiple times! I LOVE BOOKS! We are blessed to have several bookcases, some built in and some free-standing.

Reading through the Bible this year and have chosen four short NT books to read every week. Have the time so no excuses.
Blessings on you and your family in this new year!

Sherry said...

i like this setting .. and with the mirror hung a bit higher it'll be a perfect situation. we have oodles of books. oodles. aside from a couple low bookcases in the loft, the others are mainly in a guest bedroom closet. and in that closet i've been sifting through making choices as to those books i will keep and those that will go. hard choices, some. others no. simplifying my little world is key. more downsizing is continuing as well, making our home much more streamlined that before.

Kim said...

This summer, we found a box with my mom's books inside. Some of them were hers when she was a child back in the 1930's. We thought the best way to honor them, was the read them. We started with The Secret was wonderful.

Theresa said...

Love the bookcase! I have SO many books and some in every room:) I can't part with most of them and don't have to, so I don't. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

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