Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 11, 2021

Be Of Good Courage

Tim and I celebrated our anniversary on the second and we are headed out for a few days away later this afternoon. (this photo from a few years ago).

Sorry for disappearing last week. I didn't intend to do that, but I had a few sick days, and then with the mess in the capitol, I was taking in information and not really ready to put any words down here.

Last week we saw what happens when government has become about the ruling elite, and no longer about the people.  Sadly its been that way for a long time, we just now are really seeing it for what it's become. And we've had to be awakened but I believe 75 Million + have been awakened, and many around the world as well.

This season, since the election, has shown us who people really are, though if we have been paying attention many have been showing us for years.  We've all shook our heads and wondered how these people chosen for their 'conservative' values would vote the way they do, or make judgements the they have.  They all have been shown to be the same.

These are people who would sell our nation for their own financial gain, and what to be a part of globalism, not individual nation states. They are controlled by the central banking system, who needs wars to make money, and who use us as financial slaves.

The media is now only a propaganda machine, their ridiculous reporting on what happened at the capitol verses the cities that burned this summer, including DC, is shameful.

But what really saddens me is that many people I know are still listening to the msm propaganda machine.  They still think that what happened at the capitol was Tr*mp supporters only and they were trying to steal the election from B*den.  

I'm not going to try to lay it all out here.  Just know that last week, the final step was taken to steal the election from the person who really won, when you take the fraud away, but mostly from the people who voted for him.  I read an estimate that without the fraud, 80% of the people who voted in this election voted for the sitting President!  

They want us to think that the majority of Americans think like they do - after all that's what the media, h*llyw**d, politicians like to show, right?  We are to follow what they tell us.  We have been programmed to think in certain ways through the education system, and media in all forms.  We are supposed to follow sports stars, entertainers, talking heads because somehow "they know" the right way.

We opted out of all that following years ago.  We haven't had television for more than a dozen years. We've chosen which voices we listen to, and where we get our information.  Tim and I have been amazed at how clearly we see the propaganda now that we are not feed our daily dose of it.

I do think that the next week or so is going to show us some shocking things. I believe there are still those working to save our nation, because that is truly what is at stake.  Remember I said this wasn't about a four year election?

Keep praying, dear ones. Things may get scary, but I believe better days will be ahead of us.

Thank you to those who contacted me, and have stayed in touch. Gail, Vee, and Sherry you blessed me so much this past week and weekend.  I want to thank you dear friends, who though we don't all think alike, have formed a good friendship based on the things we do share.  

I'd like to encourage you to check out this {video} - It will explain a lot of what has been happening behind the scenes for years in our nation.

Also, you can find me on Gab, and Parler, and I am still on Instagram for now. I'd love to connect with you all there, as well as here.

If there is information to pass on, I surely will, even while I'm away.  


Vee said...

Wonderful post; wonderful title. Thank you for saying these things. It's what most of us are thinking and believing, but few there be who dare to say so in this current climate. You are a brave one, Mrs. Rabe.

I am leaving Instagram today.

Have a wonderful trip.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary!

Enjoy your Holiday!

Gab is being banned by....

Parlor removed from....

Just sayin'......

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Parlor goes off line.....

Sandi said...

I believe that this stretches beyond our nation to the whole world.

Bonnie Schulte said...

I agree with Vee above. Thank you for speaking the truth. So many don't want to hear or believe the truth. I have, and will continue to pray for America, and for all of us and President Trump and his family.

Samuel & Lois said...

All truth! Thank you for laying it all out so clearly and easy to understand. We will keep praying.

Terra said...

Amen. Preach it sister. I am going to join, right now it is too busy to handle all the people, that is good news that so many are heading there. I joined Parler and now Amazon thugs have shut it down. Your post is truth. Let's look for each other on Gab, once I get signed up.

Theresa said...

Happy Anniversary! I am troubled by all that is happening in and to our Country! We must stay strong and pray! Some of us see what is happening and I don't like what I am seeing. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Little Birdie Blessings said...

Thanks Deanna. I'll look for you on Instagram which is where tend to be. I'm birdieblessings and am a friend of Vee. ~ Abby

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