Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 18, 2021


 Thank you all for your kind comments on my blog Friday. I'm grateful for the community of encouragement that has found a home here.

We had a home weekend. I did tidying, and some cleaning.  Our sliding doors and the kitchen door get sweet hand prints from grands and muddy sliding paw prints from our cat, Watson, who paws at the doors letting us know he wants in or out! Those aren't so sweet.

Kamryn and Klaire spent the night Saturday, and our friend Luisa hung out with us for a few hours, too.  We ate tacos and played Mexican Train. It's a game we can all play together.  Klaire was on Grandpa's team.

Sunday was church, and a visit from our friend Denny. We ate Chicken Tortilla soup for lunch. I made the soup in the crock pot over night and it was good but not as good as when I make it on the stove top.  It was the texture of the chicken, I think. Everyone loved it and I do like the convenience of putting everything in at once and letting it cook over night.  So maybe I'll tweak it a bit and pre-cook the chicken and add it in later.  We'll see.

It's a beautiful morning here - 

As I look around the kitchen several things catch my eye. Kamryn's current read Charlotte's Web.  I love seeing her curled up in the chair reading.  She has struggled a bit with reading so it's great to see her enjoying books!

And the light and shadows caught my eye, too!

Today, Kyle and I get hack to our full regular schedule of school We are half way through our school year already.  We both enjoy a slow morning pace so now we have to discipline ourselves to get back into a schedule.

Our daughter Lindsay and her husband Joseph, are moving into their house this weekend! We are so excited for them.  

I hope you had a good weekend, too. We are continuing in prayer, here in our home, for our nation.  

Someone I follow on FB shared this from their friend and I thought it was excellent - 

“The media and the left never understood what this entire movement is all about. We did not become who we are because of Trump, we became who we are because of the Democrats and Republicans. We hated one side for their evil and the other side for their cowardice and lack of integrity.
Trump just happened to be the one guy that represented us best and everyone from Reagan Democrats, Tea Party members, old school Conservatives, libertarians, and classic liberals gravitated to in droves.
The left and establishment Republicans think if they kill Trump, it will kill who we are but we were here before Trump and will only be stronger after him. His base grew from 63 million to 75 million.
The 4 years Trump was in office just proved how ineffective both parties are. These years proved there can be peace in the middle east and terrorism can be crushed without endless wars. These years proved that the American economy can be roaring, unemployment can be at virtually zero and wages can skyrocket if the government just unshackles it. These past years prove the southern border can be secured and immigration can be orderly and lawful.
Donald Trump has unmasked the deep state, showing a shadow government exists and agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and DOJ are not at all thrilled about elections or the will of the people.
THERE IS NO PUTTING THIS GENIE BACK IN THE BOTTLE. America has awakened. Between everything that happened the past 4 years and the events of this past disgraceful election, things will never be the same, and nor should they be."


Deanna said...

Lord help us. I am so thankful for our Constitution. I know it takes God to open people's eyes to all the delusion, but when we truthfully seek Him, He does not disappoint. The true remnant He knows.

Vee said...

We can never unsee what we have seen. The FB post is excellent; further, it is truth.

Home Keeping

  I think I like this phrase better than 'housekeeper.' Home keeping feels more personal, and not maid or housecleaner feeling. I lo...