Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Watching, Reading, and Listening

 Everyday I'm watching, reading, or listening to something. 

I read something from the Bible everyday. The girls have a monthly verse to memorize for church so we work on that, and I've also been reading the book of James to them.

I've also recently bought the Book of Enoch. It's interesting. While it is not scripture, it is a book that is referenced in the Bible. I think of it as I do reading Josephus. It is a book written by someone who lived during that time period and writes of things happening. I don't think of it as scripture. It's historical, though, so interesting to me.

I've also been reading the book of Jude in the Bible and doing the Bible study by Jackie Hill Perry.

We are on the last section of this study. For a book that only has 25 verses, Jude is packed with good truth, encouragement to contend for the faith against false teachers, and the reminder that believers are Called, Beloved, and Kept.

I'm listening to The Lord of the Rings.

We've owned this audio version of many years. Kyle has listened to it over and over. I've read the trilogy years ago, but it had been years so I decided to listen. It seems that nearly everywhere I go I have a 20 minute drive, so I'm guaranteed at least 40 minutes of listening time.

Of course, sometimes, I choose a podcast to listen to while driving or doing a house hold chore.

My current listens are - 

My daughter Emma got me listening to this one. I've always wondered about Big Foot, but this is so much more than that. This podcast talks about the Nephilim of the Bible (giants), and many other topics. While I'm not always sure what I think about their topics, I feel as if there is a lot of history that we do not know. A recently episode by Kevin of the Instagram account KingKat2.0 was very interesting regarding the Death of Atheism

My tastes are varied and some of my other favorites are

Idlewild Cottage

At Home With Sally

Homemaker Chic

An new one I'm listening to is The Appalachian Homestead.

Do you listen to podcasts?

As to what I've been watching.

There is a new season of Vera, a new season of Death in Paradise, a new season of Midsomer Murders.

The show Shetland ended with a good season. 

I watched 2 seasons of Queens of Mystery. 

I enjoyed Three Pines, based on Louise Penny's books about Armand Gamache. I liked this show very much. A big disclaimer however. There is very little bad language in these the one used often by an older character and a few others is the F word. Just a heads up.

I also love to watch Escape to the Country. 

We only stream shows, we don't have satellite or cable. I'd love to be able to watch some of the shows on Magnolia Network. Especially The Established Home, and deVol Kitchens!

I always have to have something to offset the daily grind of news. It is funny to me that I go for mysteries and crime shows.

I'd love to hear what you watch or read or listen to or even about your hobbies. 


Vee said...

You are an eclectic reader. My sister sat here reading book titles in John's bookcase. I was very surprised by some of them.

ellen b. said...

We are enjoying Vera and Death in Paradise. We are big fans of Midsomer Murders. We watched Queens of Mystery, too. We are watching the whole series of Inspector Lewis (again) because we so enjoy seeing all the Oxford sites we've enjoyed. Inspector Lewis is a kind of continuation of the Morse Series. Poirot is another series we are watching off and on. The Chelsea Detective is a newer one that is good. Sheesh we watch a lot of death and mayhem! :)

Linda said...

I'm reading The Murmur of Bees - will finish it tonight. We are reading through the Chronological Bible this year along with several devotional books. I love Vera and may watch the new season while I sew a baby quilt...

Melissa G said...

I've been listening to the podcast Here's Where It Gets Interesting by Sharon McMahon. She did an interesting series on the presidents and first ladies. Currently she's talking about how women impacted WWII.
I also enjoy Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls, that shares the stories of different women in history and some current ones.

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