Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 13, 2023



It was a nice weekend here. The weather has been spring like. All my windows are so dirty. I'm going to clean them, but with construction happening this spring (we're hopeful!) it's going to be really messy around here for a few months.

I bought these tulips at Aldi on Friday for $4.99. Aren't they beautiful?

Friday, Kyle and his friend Daniel, had their club gathering with the other guys they make movies with. So Daniel got dropped off here and went grocery shopping with us. We only did Aldi this week. After bringing the groceries back here, I dropped them off at their friend's house in the afternoon.

That meant later in the evening Tim picked them up and then Daniel's dad, Mike, came and got him from our house. Denny was here too, so he, Tim, and Mike had a good visit together. Denny is normally on the road, but he's been sick with a sinus thing so he's been off. 

Saturday morning, Tim went to Denny's to see about an issue he was having with his toilet and it turned out that something only needed to be adjusted so they called and said, "Want to go to breakfast?" It ended up being lunch, and Rachel joined us. We found out that one of our favorite waitresses had died in December. That was very sad.

Tim brought the car around, and realized someone was having trouble with their vehicle. He got under the truck with him and had a look. Seems like it was the starter. Tim offered he and his wife a ride home, so off we went! It was a beautiful day for a drive. They were a lovely couple and we were happy to help them out.

She spoke of how there are more good people than bad, and how they'd like you to think other wise. She is originally from Poland and is concerned by what the admin is trying to do. 

She said "They like to divide us and make us think we are the only ones who think like we do, but really it us who are the majority." We completely agree with her!

Yesterday I made bbq beef sandwiches, coleslaw, and beans for lunch. We have lots of beef left so I will make a cottage pie this week, too.

We had rain yesterday afternoon, into the evening, but the sun is shining today.

I hope your weekend was full of good things. 


Vee said...

Those tulips are gorgeous. I love it when they drape over like that. You are good folks. How nice to help people in distress...yes, a faulty starter is distress. Sounds as if you had a good conversation. Have a great week!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend, Deanna. The tulips are so pretty, and remind me that spring is just around the corner. Enjoy the new week! xo

Theresa said...

What a wonderful weekend, love the tulips! I agree that there are more good people than bad. You and Tim did good deeds to help others who needed some assistance, I know it was appreciated. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Linda said...

Love the way you share life and light with all who are around you!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...