Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Summer Begins
Monday, May 29, 2023
I put my lightweight duvet on the bed without a cover, and changed out the linens. I love to change out my bedding seasonally, do you?
We are all set for summer now.
We should have all the permits this week for construction. The first thing to happen will be expanding the drain field, moving and putting in a new septic tank. Then the excavation for the addition can begin.
Friday, May 26, 2023
Information Friday
Last evening we graduated our youngest child! Wow! 29 years of home education! Kyle had friends over, and we had family there. He chose his 'class colors' based on his favorite track pants - he's a funny guy - then realized that the Burger King Crown he got earlier in the week matched, so he said it would work as his "cap".
Tim and I are extraordinarily proud of this young man. He's been a blessing to us all, and we are excited to see where the Lord takes him. This next week he starts working at the shed company where Wes and Rachel do sales. He's going to be making doors. It'll be a good job for him, and then in the autumn he will start work on college courses, as well.
There is a lot of information this week again, I'll try to just share and not commentate too much.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
We had a lovely weekend. Didn't do much, which was nice. My garden is bursting with roses, iris, and peonies! Oh, the scent of peonies is filling my house! I love it!
Sunday, after church, we had BBQ Beef sandwiches (I cook roast in the crock pot overnight, turn it down in the morning and it's ready by lunchtime), cole slaw, baked beans, and a jello salad we all like. My grand girls are picky eaters, so I new they'd like that. The youngest, though, at a bit of everything including the beans. She is not such a picky eater.
Late in the afternoon Tim mentioned going to the Conowingo Dam to look for Bald Eagles. I was up for that and so was my mom. We drove down (It's about 20 ish minutes away) and I saw two eagles flying around before we got off the dam!
They have a nice park along the western side of the Susquehanna river, just south of the dam. We always see vultures (they have a lot of vultures there) hanging out in trees, and sometimes on top of cars!
Sunday we saw a lot of eagles flying around, heron along the water and flying around. It was really a beautiful day, and quite a few people were fishing and there were several photographers.
I took these photos.
The eagles were never close enough to get a decent photo with my phone!
We are so spoiled by local berries. The store bought strawberries are like the store bought tomatoes, grown to be able to handle being shipped a long way. However, they are usually flavorless.
I don't know if you are able, but I am starting to shop locally more and more. I don't want to support agendas that I oppose. I can't do much but share online and in person and try to help people see what is going on in the world, but I can use my dollars in protest.
Home Keeping
After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...

Sunday was Charter Day here in Pennsylvania. We celebrate the king giving William Penn's father the charter for this land, by opening a...
Today is Melissa's due date -she is in labor and she and Geoff were headed to the birthing center to have the baby! I know she will co...