Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Let's Chat


I found this quote from 2020 this morning, and I thought it was such a good reminder.

I spent most of yesterday driving to the VA (about an hour a way), and then waiting while my dad had an appointment, then driving home. We did however stop and get the best apple fritters ever.

When we arrived home, I was so thankful to have put chicken, cream cheese and salsa in the crockpot. All I had to do was cook up some rice, pull green salad out of the fridge and dinner was ready. I ate the chicken without rice but everyone else put their chicken on the rice. The salsa and cream cheese make a bit of a gravy.

We have 23 more days of school, but we will have our yearly evaluations next week. This is my 29th year teaching. 

I am ready for our summer break as much as my students are!

My youngest will be 18 this summer, and he graduates at the end of the month. Crazy.

Here is Kyle's first appearance on my blog in March of 2007, right after I started blogging.

Hard to believe it's been 16 years since I began blogging! Wow!

It's hard to believe that in another month we should be starting on the addition to the house. In this photo where the van is parked will be a two car garage!

We have the plans and are making final changes to them. The changes are actually things we already discussed but they didn't get put on the plans. It's not a lot but one change is important to the functionality of the kitchen.

In the garden I have roses and peonies in bud, bleeding hearts blooming, my Bridal Veil spirea is in bloom, too. It's a beautiful time as the flowers start to bloom.

Here are a few photos from past years. All flowers in or from my garden.

The birds are happily building nests these days. 

This has been a nesting spot for years but this year the birds nesting there are really into it! It's big and fancy. We've even seen them come with stray bird feathers for the nest! Those will be spoiled baby birds!

I hope you are enjoying nature where you live. I was sitting out the other day and caught a Northern Mocking bird singing all the bird songs. He is sitting on the antenna.

Have a great day, friends!


Vee said...

The mocking bird has quite a repertoire! Amazing. It's a rainy week here with cool temps. Glad you are seeing some blossoms. I was wondering when construction would begin. Kyle's photos came out great! What kind of bird is building that impressive nest?

Kim said...

Wow, I can't believe your son will be graduating soon. This must be such a bittersweet time for you. Will you have any students next year...grands or kids from the community? Or are you retiring?

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