Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Bridal Veil Spirea

 My Bridal Veil Spirea is in bloom and it's so beautiful! I cut some every year and bring it into the house. It doesn't last long cut, but it delights my heart every time I look at it!

It won't be long before those little flower petals are falling all over the table, and my guys will be mentioning it! Ha!

Yesterday, I did not sit outside. We had sun, then clouds and rain, then sun. Today it's been raining already, but it's not supposed to rain the rest of the day and the sun may pop out this afternoon!

This is real gardening talk.

The flowers I potted up from bulbs and corms a few weeks ago are beginning to pop up from the soil! I'll get photos in a few days. This is very exciting to me! The link to that post is {here}.


Vee said...

I think our whacky spring is going to lengthen blooming times for thespring shrubs and flowers. Hope that you get to sit in the sun today.

Donna said...

Oh, what beautiful blooms!! I must look for this plant!

Kim said...

Oh how pretty. We don't have any of that around here, at least not that I've seen. You have such an interesting garden!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...