Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 25, 2011

Family Happenings

Today is my parents 52nd wedding anniversary! Congratulations Dad and Mom!  For their birthdays in May we gave them some funds toward a weekend get away, and they chose to use it this Anniversary weekend.  They are staying at quite the cute cottage near Gettysburg.  She says I would love it and that I have to go stay there sometime!  She has me eager to see it!
I am thankful to the Lord for His work in their lives over the years.  He has kept them together.  This blessing is not just to them but to all of us - my brother and I and our children and to our grandchildren.  Four generations...seeking to follow the Lord.  He is good!

Today, we are going to have lunch with Tim's brother Dan and his family.  They leave at the end of the week to return to Senegal, West Africa. This year they have been home has flown by.  We are thankful for the times that we have had together.  Lindsay and Emily were planning a trip to Senegal with their Grammy (Tim's Mom) and her husband in March.  They are saving their money.  Tim's Mom called yesterday to say that she is rethinking her trip to Senegal, and thinks that Tim should go see where he grew up and that she is willing to pay part of his expenses.  This is unexpected and he would love to go, but he would like it if we all could go.  I am excited to think of him taking Lindsay and Emily and showing them where he spent his childhood!  They would stay with his brother Dan and also get to see our niece Jen who is also a missionary there in Senegal.  Such an awesome opportunity! - Boat launching from Dakar, Senegal beach

We had a special day yesterday getting to know a new family from church.  I took no photos...none.  Sorry, I am a bad blogger.  I just loved sitting in my house and watching the older kids, playing Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit, the younger ones playing dolls and dress up, the little boys playing with puzzles, cars, and trains.  It was so hot out that everyone stayed inside.  I loved seeing my husband enjoying fellowship with the men, and I enjoyed time with a sweet, godly new friend.  We are thankful that the Lord brought them our way!

I need to go now.  Lots to do to prepare for lunch.  I pray that you will find good fellowship this week!  I am so thankful for how the Lord encourages us through our friendships.


Becky K. said...

Congratulations to Bob and Phyllis on this milestone Anniversary. Everyone after the first one is a milestone, after all. Celebrating lives dedicated to working, playing and loving together.

Your afternoon yesterday sounds delightful. We spent much of ours at Caruso's. It was packed. But we managed to enjoy ourselves anyway.

Vee said...

Senegal is so far away even in the 21st century. Obviously, your husband's family has been called there before and now his brother is a missionary there. What incredible commitment. I'm sure that he doesn't see it that way, that he considers it his life's work. You always describe your visits with friends and church members in such delightful ways. Hospitality is a true art and a gift.

Tracy said...

Happy Anniversary to your dear, sweet parents. I know what a blessing they are to you and your family.

How wonderful it would be if Tim and the girls could visit the country where he grew up!

We had a new man at church yesterday, too. He was visiting from NC, so won't likely be back any time soon, but we enjoyed having him over for an impromptu lunch and getting to know him a bit better.

I'm so sorry I've been such a bad blogging friend lately. I'm keeping busy around the clock with preserving, and dogs, and have barely a second to read, let alone comment. You are ALWAYS on my mind and in my prayers, dear friend!

Pink Slippers said...

First of the font on your right bar. What is it called?
That is wonderful about your parents. Happy Anniversary to them!!
And last, we have a church from our fellowship in Senegal.

Kelly said...

Glad you had such a nice day. We went to the Cracker Barrel and had breakfast food for lunch before going home and simply relaxing and enjoying a game of PayDay with our two oldest.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...