Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What I'm Reading

I have been doing a lot of reading lately...

The younger kids and I are reading through this series by Laura Ingalls Wilder - We started The Long Winter Wednesday night.  I usually read about two chapters, but they always want more.  I like that - leaving them wanting more.  
I just got these Alexandra Stoddard books from the library.  I am reading 'Creating A Beautiful Home' first.  I just started it, but I already like it!
I had seen folks around blog land reading Clarice Fox-Hughes book 'Wren Bay' and when she announced that she was giving a 20% off code - I decided the time was right to get my own copy.  Peeked at it because I just cannot help myself, however I am waiting to finish the Duggar's new book 'A Love That Multiplies."  

I like the Duggar's and this book gives insight to "how they make it work."  I appreciate their heart for their children and their heart to raise them for the Lord.

I always have multiple books going at the same time.  Just a quirk about me.  I must have something to read - can't imagine not having books!


Anonymous said...

I like to read multiple books at one time too.

I just got the Duggar book but haven't read it yet. (o:

Humble wife said...

I love Laura Ingalls Wilder books and we read The Long Winter in the summer so we can "feel" cold and experience winter when it is so hot!

Enjoy the slow reading as it is always like you said, best waiting for more!


Becky K. said...

I agree...leave them wanting more. Always my philosophy. That is a very fun book to read in this weather.

My friend Shelley is visiting this weekend so not much reading ....lots of talking and laughing....

See you Sunday!!

Kelly said...

I like to leave the kids wanting more as well.

I used to think I couldn't possibly read more than one book at a time because I would get them confused. But I have found that I can easily read a nonfiction and a fiction book at the same time and that keeps it easy as they have nothing in common.

I am reading a lot on my own right now, but that will change soon, as we are planning on beginning school on Monday.

Tea and Friendship

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