Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 18, 2011

Things I Love

 My family is going to wake up and wonder where the blueberry muffins are!  This candle, hand poured by my friend Becky @ Good Neighbors Candle Company, smells so good!  All her candles do.  They are soy, with hemp wicks - so no nasty lead or other toxins being released in to your home!  Hurray!  They come in different sizes and she even makes tea lights now - which I personally love, because I like to tuck a candle here and there into jars, etc, and have the whole house filled with delightful aroma!  Last Fall I was using Cinnamon Stick a lot, and the Cappuccino one was great as well.  You can purchase her candles through her Etsy store.  

I am also loving the new slipcover on my couch.  Our old one was threadbare, and it was time for something new!  I went bold this time - no more tan.  Although I must say our last slip cover was a work horse!  Besides our big family, we have lots of people here at the cottage on a regular basis - read LOTS OF CHILDREN - and that cover was great!  We could just pop it in the laundry and it looked great for years!  But back to my new one...It looks great in my living room!

Another thing I am loving this morning is my church fellowship.  What a blessing to walk together, forgiving each other, loving each other, enjoying each other.  We had two families from church over yesterday and Uncle Denny of course, and it was a great time.  We laughed so hard at a few stories that were told, that we were wiping tears from our eyes!  The kids rode horses, played in the dried up creek (happens this time of year), ate pizza and ice is a joy, I am telling you, to be known and to be loved anyway by these people!  Thanks guys for a wonderful day.

I also love my man - 

We are so blessed by your leadership and your service to us.  You work so hard and we are thankful.  

What are you loving on this delightful Monday morning?   


PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

I am loving that this is my last Monday at work, it's my final week before our big move. Hallelujah, I never thought it would come!

I am also loving the time spent with friends yesterday and the happy memories we made with them to take with us when we leave.

Rebecca said...

I'm loving MY man, too...and
breakfast & devotions on the back porch, air conditioning, a care-free hair style, a well (in addition to "city" water) so we can water our plants, and blog friends who remind me of everything I'm thankful for!

Becky K. said...

I'm loving you...for many reasons. Thanks for featuring my little candle company.

I'm also thankful for your testimony to the Grace of God. It makes my heart happy.

no spring chicken said...

I'm loving that YOU'RE loving your home your fellowship and your man... It's such a blessing to see how the lord sets our priorities!

Enjoy~ Debbie

Anonymous said...

A hearty belly laugh is as cleansing as a good cry...but a lot more fun! :)

Kelly said...

I am loving my family. I am loving our refreshed home that has allowed me to feel good about having people over, which we have had several over the past few weeks. I love our church family and I love you and your family for your dear friendship.
Most of all, I love the Lord, and his faithfulness through all things.

Dawn E. Brown said...

I am loving my quiet time this day with The Lord, doing some embroidery work ,loving the fellowship of my church family yesterday as well.A dear friend called this morning which makes me smile.I am missing my man as he returned to his job today after 2 weeks off.Love him so.Thanks for this peace filled posting. It really is the simple things in life that bring the most joy. Dawn E. Brown

Vee said...

Aren't Becky's blueberry muffin candles the best?! Was your family upset not to find muffins baking? Hope not!

Love to hear good reports about church. Lots of folks prefer to complain about theirs.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...