Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, July 23, 2011

 Today will be hot again, so I am headed outside early, to beat the heat and to mow.  Then a bit of tidying work in the front garden...

 We have a new family from church coming for lunch tomorrow.  I am going to slow roast a turkey overnight.  You can read about how to make "perfect every time turkey" in this post.  I do this anytime during the year that I make a turkey.

The church we attend is family integrated and we have lots of children!  With all the children there were no girls in Rachel and Sarah's age range - just older and younger.  So I started to pray and the Lord brought this sweet family with 10 children!  7 boys, 3 girls.  The girls are ages 12, 9, and 1.  Twelve and nine are exactly my girl's ages!  They are getting to know each other and are looking forward to tomorrow.

 There is also mutual interest in all things Tolkien.  Lindsay is excited as it seems as if there maybe folks who will play LOTR Trivial Pursuit with her! 

Kyle is excited because he is going to have 4 boys to play with!  We see lots of trains and swinging happening tomorrow.

Now back to today.  After mowing, I have to do some sewing for Rachel.  She has gotten tall and when we cleaned and purged the younger girl's room this week we found that she has outgrown many of her clothes!  While that made Sarah (the recipient of said clothes) very happy, Rachel needs skirts.  We bought fabric yesterday and today hope to get some sewing done.  I love the fabric she picked.  I will try to show you tomorrow!

Have a great day - for those of you in most of the country, try to stay cool. 


Rebecca said...

Rejoicing with your family (and deciding I should begin praying for a family with 10 children to fill some gaps in our little church)!

Have a wonderful day today AND tomorrow!

Becky K. said...

Don't you just love HOW God chooses to answer prayers? I love this family so much and am so very happy they are coming to church.

Kelly said...

Enjoy your time with the new family. It's great to get to know our church family well. The bonds we build are precious.

Dawn E. Brown said...

Awww,in a day when we Christians can pick one another apart, it is so refreshing to see a posting like yours.We need to be "One Anothering" as we walk this life.If ever in your area, yours is the kind of church we would choose to attend. We have attended a Beachy Mennonite church for 21 years, we love the people, it sounds similar to your church,hospitality is so very important.Neat how God answered your prayers, enjoy your fellowship tomorrow, Blessings, Dawn E. Brown

Mama to 12, so far said...

It sounds so fun! For after church though, not mowing!

I can't wait to see the skirts material.

Anonymous said...

You have a gift of hospitality! I grew up on gently used treasures from my cousin. A niece (in her 30's) passes clothing on to me. I love it and count it a blessing from the Lord. I look forward to photos of the skirts!

no spring chicken said...

What a blessing! We too are praying for friends at church for our girls. We've lost several families in the last couple of years (due to economy) who've moved out of state. It's hard.

A couple of people have mentioned thyroid to me... hmmm.

Blessings, Debbie

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...