Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Sarah

 Her name Sarah Kathryn means "God's princess full of purity."  I often call her Sarah Bella - because she is a beautiful girl!  Beautiful in spirit as well as outwardly!

 She loves to have fun...

 She loves people and is great at hospitality!  This is a photo from our Fall Fest last year - roasting marshmallows.

 She loves being an Auntie!  This is her with Kamryn last fall.

 She is bold in her personality - she is concerned for people.  She speaks the truth.

 She is funny.  She is a drama queen....oh, my.  She wants to do things perfectly, even the first time she tries something.

Being the youngest girl, but the boldest in personality, she tries so hard to not be 'left behind' and wants to be a part of everything!

Happy Birthday to my darling girl.  You are a joy to your family! Your bright spirit is just what we need!  We love you so.


Melissa G said...

Happy Birthday to Sarah! She's a sweetie!

Becky K. said...

Happy Birthday, Sarah!!!!
Hope your day is as special as you are......

Mrs. K.

Vee said...

I'm just grinning all over the place. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl! Love the shot of auntie. That's about the age difference between my auntie and myself.

Bee said...

Happy Birthday, Sarah!
May God richly bless you as you grow in stature and grace.

Emily's middle name is Katherine, too! (spelled different)

no spring chicken said...

Happy birthday Sarah Bella. You're mama is right, you're a beautiful girl!

Blessings, Debbie

Phyllis said...

Happy happy day! Let the swimming begin!! Love you sweet girl!!

Becky said...

Birthday blessings to a sweet girl.

detweilermom said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!! Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to a little girl boasting my own name - and God's perfect meaning for it - may your bella princess always walk in the purity of the Lord!
Miss Kathryn!

Alicia @ said...

Happy Birthday cute girl!!!

Simple Home said...

Happy Birthday Sarah! I hope your day was wonderful. That's my mom's name, although she spells it without the "H" at the end :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! May God bless you with a fun year full of smiles!

Karen said...

Sorry I missed saying it yesterday-

Happy Birthday Sarah! I hope your day was as beautiful and special as you are!

Kelly said...

Sarah, we hope your day was wonderful! We love you! I love Sarah's personality and boldness. She can always make me smile. She truly is a special girl.

Tea and Friendship

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