Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Mystery Flowers

are a mystery no more!

My friend Bee solved the mystery today!  She sent me a comment saying that her daughter Emily, who works at our favorite Longwood Gardens and is studying all things horticultural, says that it is Rudbeckia laciniata hortensia

We have a winner, ladies!  

  The same friend who shared these with me from her garden, gave some to Bee's family as well.  I love friends who share! 

A friend who was one of my flower girls at my wedding nearly 24 years ago shared a link yesterday to what I thought might be the one - you can see it here.  

It is so good to have the mystery solved.  Rudbeckia "Golden Glow."  That is a very fitting name for it!  Some of it fell over in the rain we had two nights ago...I need to tie it up today, thankfully it is by the deck.

Thanks Emily for solving the "Great Flower Mystery!"


PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

They are a dramatic flower for sure! I love their big yellow blossoms

Anonymous said...

They would make a cheery bouquet!

Anonymous said...

This is one of the things I love about blogging! We can ask a question and usually *someone* knows the answer. I'm glad your mystery has been solved! (o:

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes! This is how I came to be able to identify the flowers in my wildflower garden! Thank you to all who commented and gave me names to look up. I did Google searches and made a document with photos and details of each to maintain a record. This way, I don't have to look so much the dunce in conversation about them. Love them - just have little knowledge. Learning and thankful for Blogland Horticultural Day School!
P.S. Perhaps we can someday meet up at Longwood Gardens - a swift 1 hour and 15 minutes from our home! Haven't been for a while, though :(

no spring chicken said...

Woo hoo! Rudbeckia golden glow... of course it is!

Blessings, Debbie

Vee said...

I love it when my readers know what a posie in my garden is. I'm keeping very careful notes, too.

Your rudbeckia looks nothing like mine, which is more like a giant brown-eyed susan. So many flowers; so many varieties.

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Deanna,
Don't you love the power of the internet to solve problems and share info, yeah on the mystery flower name!
I didn't have kids, but I think reading time would be some of the most amazing time to share! I love Laura :-)

Kelly said...

Rain?! Oh how we would love to have some. We have been nothing but incredibly hot and dry all week. Praying for a break soon.

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