Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Teatime Tuesday

I have been enjoying my new issue of Tea Time Magazine.  It has a great article on two tea plantations in India.  Beautiful photographs as well.

My mom and I had lunch last week at the Pemberley Tea Shop in Lancaster.  I like the interior of the tea shop, it eclectic with different kinds of tables and chairs and all sorts of tea cups and pots.  They don't have a real kitchen there so much of the food is already prepared.  You cannot get high tea there or tea sandwiches, but they do have a nice chicken salad.  I guess I would say that the name brings to mind a very proper tea shop - as would be befitting Mr. Darcy and certainly what he would expect.  This is not that place, but it has charms of it's own, and if I lived nearby, I may pop in for a cuppa and a light lunch, more often.  It's very casual. 

Here is a link to their Facebook page photos.

I'm joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea Time Tuesday, and Lady Katherine as well! 


Terra said...

I think I would like the tea shop you describe here.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good afternoon Mrs. Rabe, and thank you for joining me for Tea Time today. I am still waiting for my issue of Tea Time to come in the mail. The postal strike here in Canada no doubt has held it up. Thanks for sharing and have a delightful day.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely spot, Deanna - if for nothing other than the name - Pemberly! Shades of Jane - would love to see it! Our own dear little tea shop was demolished in a terrible accident this past new year - the 100 plus year old theatre it is next to collasped during renovations and took our beloved tea room with it! Our tea lady was devastated - and got out just in time. Thankfully the shop was closed for the month of January and she was the only one in there doing some paperwork. Some few things were salvaged - but it was a total loss. She is now re-opened - an hour away - in a corner of a gift shop selling her specialty tea and things. But, oh - how I loved the ten minute drive to the old tea room!

Vee said...

I had no idea that there was a Tea Time magazine. Amazing sounding cold soup over there...that mango, honey, vanilla yogurt, etc., one. Hmmm... We have nothing even close to resembling a proper tea shop in our corner. That's why I always say that I should start one. ;>

camp and cottage living said...

I love "tea time" anywhere!
I'll have to check out this magazine.
A lot of the time the ambiance of the tea room helps me overlook the fact that the goodies aren't exactly high tea.
I just became a follower!

Charlotte said...

The magazine looks like a good one. I may see about getting one myself!

Bee said...

I have a magazine for you. It comes to the post office box and it reminds me of you and Hospitality Lane. I have to give it to you. "Seeing the Everyday: Learning to see relationships" Not sure it is a Christian magazine but it is family oriented.
Here's the website:

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...