Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lunch on the table yesterday - grilled chicken salad, fresh peaches, cantaloupe.  Yum!  Flowers from my garden - still trying to find out what they are. 
 My friend Bonnie sent a link to see if I thought that Heliopsis Helianthoides might be it, but the flower petals on mine are a bit rounder - though they must be in the same family.  They are cheerful in the garden, and tall!

 Kyle watching Sarah play Nancy Drew.  They have always looked alike and yesterday both in the same color it was striking. My Mom even commented on it!

 Beauty on my kitchen window sill...

 It was hard to get good photos with my old point and shoot and the morning light streaming in...

We have been having a lot of fun around here lately.  Swimming at Camp Geezer, sleepovers with Grandma and Grandpa, ice cream, time with friends....

Soon it will be back to formal learning for us.  I bought a workbook for Kyle on Friday and he started it yesterday.  He loves it.  I don't like to buy a formal curriculum for a 6 year old so we do a bit of workbook, lots of reading and nature study, math....easy peasy and lots of learning takes place.  He is eager and ready to go.  

I am loving my's not without it's challenges, but God is good and uses the challenges in our life to help us to become more like Him.  I have a long way to go, so there will be more challenges ahead! However, I have learned to look at the daily joys that God sends our way...

....Our young adults who are making wise choices and are growing in the Lord.

....The love of reading that is a part of our daily lives.

....Children who love and obey.

....Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's!

....Late movies on dvd piled up on my bed.

....Little House Books read aloud before bed.

....Family worship.  Joy!  Last week we were outside several days for family worship since the weather was so fine.  This week we are inside as it is scorching hot here!  Thanking the Lord for air conditioning.

Well, I must run.


Mama to 12, so far said...

Great pics! I love those purple flowers in the jelly jars on the window sill.

It is good to be content in your life, isn't it.

Becky K. said...

Things are looking lovely at your place! We are looking at college classes at did that happen?

Anonymous said...

I love using jars and pitchers for vases also. Very country of us :) . Beautiful pictures!

jean said...

The yellow flowers look like dahlias. They are beautiful! So sunshiney!!

Rebecca said...

Smiling at the pleasures and peace you are enjoying. It is SO good to hear about and spills over into MY life, too :)

Tracy said...

Love the flowers!

Anonymous said...

I love the jars with the flowers on the window sill. So lovely....

no spring chicken said...

My, they do look alike!! How wonderful.

I'm still waiting to see what you find out on the flowers... It seems ridiculous that it's so difficult. They grow so easily and obviously in different zones, so why can't we find this one out?

Blessings, Debbie

Vee said...

I have no idea what your yellow flowers are, but they look perfectly delightful on your dining table as do the posies in canning jars on your windowsill. A trick someone suggested to me once was, when taking photos near windows or out of windows, to try using the landscape setting (mine has a mountain icon). It somehow changes the light and improves the photo. Try it and see what you think.

Your little daughter and son really do look a lot like siblings. I always like to see children in a family look related. (Sounds silly, but no one ever guesses that my sister and I are related.)

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

I love the shots of the purple flower on the windowsill, beautiful!

Trish said...

Deanna, Your home looks lovely and cheerful.
The flowers on the windowsill are very pretty indeed1

Bee said...

Okay...Emily insists that they are Rudbeckia. I did a google search and I think she is right. Golden Glow Rudbeckia - Latin name: (Rudbeckia laciniata hortensia)
Our mutual friend Susan gave me the same flowers.
Here is a link to a website that has photos.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...